two ━━ bloody hands

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CHAPTER TWO: bloody hands

CHAPTER TWO: bloody hands

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❛ the truth 𝙝𝙖𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙨 ❜

JUNIPER WAS TERRIFIED. She ran as fast as she possibly could out of that damn warehouse, forcing that horrible, unforgettable laughter out of her head but it was impossible. After turning down a corner, she would jump back as if she expected someone to be standing there, waiting for her, waiting to find out what she had done. She did not know what to feel. She just killed someone, and though, it would end the reign of madness, and though, it would save the lives of hundreds, possibly thousands, she could not bring herself to accept the fact that it was her hands that pushed him out of that window.

It was her that got Joker to laugh for the very last time.

His smile plagued her as she dashed down alleyways, heading straight for the Outsiders headquarters, happy that she was not all that far. But what was she going to do when she got there? What should she say? She could lie, though it would hurt to stare into the eyes of the people who were supposed to be her family and force a smile on her face as she moved her fingers to form words. She could tell the truth, though it might get her kicked from the team.

Vigilantes do not kill. That was the golden rule in the nonexistent guide to living a life behind a mask. It was the first thing that was told to her by Garfield after he found her on the streets, found out she had powers that no ordinary human had, and invited her onto a team of people her age. And after she met Dick Grayson, it was burrowed into her brain even further as he warned her about the trials and tribulations of being a hero. He told her that killing someone would cross a line and they were never supposed to cross that line, no matter how tempting it was to rid the world of pure evil. But she killed, so what did that make her? What would happen to her now?

As her feet splashed into shallow puddles on the street, the bright lights illuminating her figure, she thought about the boy she would have joined in the afterlife if she hadn't escaped with two—minor—physical injuries. She wondered if he knew the man with the inhuman smile as dead. She wondered if her. . .action gave him the peace he needed. She could not be sure but it was a nice thought, she supposed, at least something positive would come out of it, beside her earlier point.

Even then, there was still the fact that she had left Joker's body just lying there on the ground while it poured down rain. Someone was bound to find it eventually. Batman would find out she did it, even if she lied to her team. So she had to choose to either come clean or wait it out. At the moment, the second option was looking rather good.

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now