Tabby Wedding

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Rachel POV
Who knew that Abigail Cameron would get married. Once she gets married Zach will technically be her stepson. Macey organized Abby's wedding too she said that everything that could have been better for mine and Joe's wedding would be better now.

Cammie POV
I can't believe that Aunt Abby is getting married to the guy that is Zach's  dad also the guy we used truth serum on. Once, they get married I will be dating my step-cousin now that is just weird.

I have been wanting to ever since the wedding to adopt Cam as my own kid. I have talked to Rachel about it she says it is a good idea and she would be fine with it if that is what Cam wants. I hope if Matt was alive he would be happy for us I mean he would probably want his best friend to marry his wife more than a random guy he doesn't know and trust. Rachel had never been for happy since we got married except when Matt was around we have a family tradition now we all go to Matt's grave and pay respects even if everyone isn't at home. Most of the time we have Cam with us and sometimes Abby or Zach. It is hard for everyone to be all together at the same time with saving the world. I can't believe it has been 4 years that Rachel and I have been Married and since Cam and her friends graduated also since Gallagher was burnt down. Abby and Townsend dated for 3 of those years and have been engaged 1. Zach is the best man at his wedding and Cam is the maid of honor. They also have the rings with them. They wanted a flower girl so we had Amy do it after Cam kinda made Macey do it.

Abby POV
I am so happy to be getting Married. Macey is making sure everything is perfect. I am having Joe walk me down the aisle because well he is my brother-in-law. Amy is my flower girl after Squirt basically through a fit. I heard her comes the bride so Joe and I walked down the aisle. When I got up there after the guy who does weddings said his stuff it was time for the I Do's Townsend said I do and I said I do. Then we kissed and then walked out so we could go to the party.

Zach POV
Abby and my Dad are know married earlier today I asked Joe and Rachel for permission to marry Cam and they said yes. Then Joe gave me a envelope and said it was from Matt so when I got home I read of and it says " so most likely you just asked Joe Solomon to Marry my Daughter Cameron Ann Morgan. So hi you are probably a spy because I don't think that Joe would allow Cam to marry a civilian. If you are reading this Joe must have said yes you can so you are either a really kind and good spy or you are Zachary Goode if you are when Joe all ways talked about you I knew that you weren't like your mom hopefully the Circle has been brought down even if your mother is dead. Hopefully you helped her take it down. If my thoughts are right now if you are Zach Goode Joe has set you guys up without you knowing he probably has acted like he hated you but he has always thought you guys would be so perfect together.So of you are a good spy, someone the Joe didn't kill, or you are Zachary Goode and you love my daughter and would never hurt her you can marry her.

Macey POV
The reception is going great it is time to do the maid of honor and then the best man speeches. So Cam went first and she said what a typical speech would be but also put some spy stuff because everyone was a in training, active , or retired spy. Then I was time for Zach to talk so her basically did what Cam did but then at the end he asked if Cam could come up to him then when she came up he got down on one knee and proposed it was so sweet and luckily she said yes.

Townsend POV
I can't believe it my son proposed at my wedding today has just been crazy. I am very happy for him.

Cammie POV
While we were eating I sat by Joe and Mom and they said they wanted to talk to me about something so I said sure and Joe asked if he could adopt me and of course I said yes because Joe is amazing I love him like a dad and he is already my stepfather and godfather so why do be my actual father because my biological one is dead.

(AN tell me what you think about it and if you liked the Torah Chapter)

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