Zammie Wedding

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Rachel POV
I can't believe that my baby girl is getting married. I can tell that she is happy about it Joe is walking her down the aisle today. I am sad that Matt can't walk her down the aisle and give her off but I know if there was anyone who he want me to be married to or walk Cammie down the aisle it is his best friend Joe.

Zach POV
I am so nervous it is not that I don't want to marry Cam or anything like that but what if she says I don't. I know she loves me though last night at 11:59 Macey made us leave each other so we stayed in different rooms and the girls made sure Cam didn't leave the room. The wedding is in the garden at Gallagher it is Cam's home. The mansion looks the same because they made it the exact same so everyone past and future gets the same experience. They do have a picture of Bex, Liz, Macey, Cam, and I that says that they took down the Circle of Cavan during their senior year.  There is only 2 hours till I get married to the love of my life.

Cammie POV
Macey has been running around all morning but finally it is time to get married. My bridesmaids are Amy, Liz,Macey and then Bex is the maid of honor. Zach has Jonas and Preston and Grant as best man. I  had Ellie be my flower girl after making her do it. My bridesmaids and Zach's groomsmen all walk in and then here comes the bride comes on so I take Joe's arm and we walk down the aisle everyone stands and I can see my mom so happy but she also has tears in her eyes I look and Joe and he has them too. I see Zach he looks so hot I love him. I get up there and we do all the stuff that you do at a wedding and we both say I do. Just like that I am married.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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