The Blindfold Checkmate (10)

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The morning was gorgeous, blue and pink and golden. It smiled over the man and the woman asleep, the man spooned into the back of the woman , her hand holding his hand that was flung over her stomach, possessively. He stirred first and he adjusted himself around her unaccustomed presence, his leg a dead weight over her thighs, his hand moving up from her stomach up to her curvaceous breasts, feeling the soft weight against his palm and settle against his fingers splayed possessively across her gently breathing form. He smiled slightly as sleep left him, yesterday night was an unexpected culmination of so many frustrated desires, such broken dreams that he hadn't had time to really glory in what this possession felt like. 

Last night had been an expression of the longing, so scared he had felt of something happening to again brutally take her away, every grasp, every greedy touch had but been a way of telling her "don't leave me". He had made love to her as if it was the last time he would get to love her. But today he felt invincible. The love she had finally allowed to break out of her restraints, the sweetness of opening herself up completely to him, matching his passion for passion had at last allowed him to feel she desired him no less. And that made him feel invincible. If a man learns that he is so desired by the woman he loves, it really makes him feel as if there is nothing he cannot do in this world. It let him feel ...loved and whole, unbroken and strong, healed.

She stirred as his hands passed over her and shifted more towards him. After days she had slept dreamlessly. She winced as his hand passed over a small bruise, a remnant of their passion. She felt sore but happily tired and turned towards him as the thrill of anticipation passed over them. She wanted to get used to his presence in all parts of her life


Mid morning was over when they finally managed to leave the room and joined Fifi, Melo and Ceren at their umpteenth cup of coffee. In the midst of amused ribbing from Ceren, arched eyebrows of Fifi and loud dramatic proclamations of Melo, it was difficult for both Eda and Serkan to keep their blushes and never -ending smiles off their faces. As it is the way they sat leaning into each other unconsciously, the way their hands linked under the table and their thighs pressed side to side, loathe to end the bodily contact, it was very evident to the world and its mother that they were completely drowning in love. 

The party sobered up as they debated whether to set out immediately to Eda's Babanne's home. Serkan and Melo were all for returning back to Istanbul as nothing much was to be gained out of confronting Babanne, who had clearly failed. But Eda and Fifi were in favor of finishing off the threat for once and all.

As they headed back to their rooms for packing up, Serkan looked back affectionately at the brood of women who were questioning blushing Eda and laughing at her. He was glad he had them all on his side. He felt embedded in their warmth and how naturally they had accepted him into their lives because he was a part of Eda's life. As he thought of it, a chill shadow passed over him, he hoped he was a part of Eda's life.

Eda and Serkan looked at the unexceptional hotel fondly, reluctantly. It was nothing special, just another comfortable anonymous hotel but to them, it would always be the place where they regained each other. It was their own brief slice of heaven.

Just at that moment a black car, its wheels encrusted with mud which spoke of a long journey stopped at the courtyard, and an older woman, beautifully turned out in expensive clothes, got out of the car and nodded at the man who was waiting for her, " Are they still here?" she asked, "Yes they were about to leave, but the front desk has delayed them and told them to wait for a bit." Her manager who had reached before her, informed her. She nodded curtly and passed into the foyer and immediately her eyes ran to the end of the hall where her grand daughter stood waiting for the elevator. The older woman assessed the lean and arresting man next to her, lounging, listening to the girls he was surrounded by, completely at ease. The woman was ushered into her pent house suite she had booked in her name. She sat down at the huge desk and asked for her grand daughter and her friends to be called.

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