2. No f*cking around

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J.JK: Welcome back princess (; couldn't get enough?


The two brothers ate their just ordered pizza on the couch in front of the TV. Jacob sat on the floor with his back against the couch with a pizza in his mouth and his feet against the low table in front of him. There were two large pizzas on that table.

One pizza potato and the other hawaii.

"Can't believe you're eating that shit." Jungkook said with a discusted look to the pizza hawaii.

Jacob turned his head to his brother. "Can't believe you're eating that-" He glanced at the pizza. "I don't even know what the fuck that is." The boy didn't care anymore because he bit into his Hawaii pizza again and had his eyes focused on the sex scene from the movie on TV.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and picked up another slice. "So, are you ready for school tomorrow?"

"Yeah-" Jacob spoke with his mouth full.

The older brother gave a little nudge with his foot against his smaller brother. "Swallow your food first, stupid." He rolled his eyes.

Jacob laughed and swallowed his pizza quickly. "Yeah, I really don't care about moving to another town and a new school. I hated those assholes at my old school anyway."

"Yeah? Even that girl- uhm, how did you call her?" Jungkook acted as if he didn't know. "You called her, babygirl? Right?"

The little boy hit his brother on the leg ashamed from hearing that nickname be once used. "SHUT UP! SHE MEANS NOTHING TO ME! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT HER NAME IS!" He yelled.

Jungkook laughed at his little brother's panic. He ruffled his hair, knowing he hates it.

"Get ya dirty sticky pizza hands out of ma hair." Jacob tried to push away his brother.

"Alright alright," He pulled away his hand. "I won't talk about Sujin."

"STOP SAYIING HER NAME!" He immediately exclaimed and hit his brother on the leg again.

Jungkook pushed his brother away from him with his foot. "I thought you didn't know what her name was?" He teased him even more while laughing.

This time Jacob climbed on the couch and wanted to push his older brother on the back but Jungkook was way too strong.

Jungkook laughed at his little brother's pathetic attempt to put him on his back. "Stop it before you break something."

"Then stop bullying me or-" Suddenly Jacob stopped pushing and smiled at Jungkook. "Oh, I see what's going on."

Jungkook pulled up one eyebrow, not understanding what he was talking about. "What?"

"I know what you're doing! You're teasing me cause you're nervous to go to a new school tomorrow!" He exclaimed laughing.

The older boy rolled his eyes. "Oh please, I've been to so many schools, this doesn't mean anything."

The smaller boy nodded but didn't believe it. "Yeah sure, don't fall in love like last time."

Jungkook chuckled. "I didn't fall in love, that girl got addicted to me and you know how much I hate it when a girl wants more from me than just my dick."

"I know, but you can't fuck around at your new school like you always do. And you shouldn't play with girls their hearts." The boy gave a small speech.

"And who are you? You were fucking around too, before you fell in love with-"

"I SAID STOP SAYING HER NAME!" The boy screamed again and made another attempt to push his brother down.

Jungkook laughed again and easily pushed his brother away from him.

But he is right. He can't always take every girl in his class to bed. And no matter what he does, he always breaks a heart. Even when he tells them they won't be anything more than friends, maybe not even friends. And he's tired of girls getting so addicted to him.

He won't fuck around this time, at least, he's gonna try not fucking them.


J.JK: Kinda get to know a little bit from what I'm trying not to in the next update but oh well, y'all all know how I ended up.

And you got to see a little bit of my brotherly side. Haha.

Anyways, hope you liked it, even though it's small. The real REAL story starts the next chapter. Where we are gonna meet some fine lady's who I will- no, I won't

Next update: Tomorrow

I just wanna make y'all excited real fast so you won't forget about me🖤 cause I did not forget about you all🖤

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