Christmas Special! (Chapter 12)

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*Trigger Warnings: Panic attack. If there's anything else that you find, please let us know so that we can add it up here!*

     Virgil woke up shaking. His breathing was uneven, and he frantically scanned the room for Patton. You see, Virgil woke up from a nightmare where Patton, let's just say... wasn't exactly.. in existence. Once he saw that Patton's bed was empty, he started to panic even more. He got out of bed as quietly as he could, realizing that he was still in his clothes from the day before, and went downstairs, searching for any sign of his friend. And yet again, he was nowhere to be seen. 

     Virgil was now in full panic mode, so he ran outside, not wanting to bother anyone in the house, and leaned against the log wall. He slowly slid to the ground shaking and sobbing, because his nightmare was coming true.

     Patton had his tongue sticking out, trying to catch the falling snowflakes outside. He'd woken up and needed some air, so logically... He looked behind him as he heard the front door open and close to see Virgil tightly clutching himself as he crumpled into a ball on the ground."Oh my gosh..." Patton ran over to his friend and crouched in front of him. "Virgil can you hear me? You're having a panic attack and I want to help. I just need to know that you can hear me."

     Virgil recognized the voice as the voice of Patton. He didn't hear much so he just shook his head, not knowing what he had said.

     Patton frowned. He wasn't that good in these situations since most of the time it was Logan who would be around. What did he have to do next..? His dilemma disappeared as soon as it had come as he remembered what to do. He repeated the words he had said a few moments earlier, this time slower.

     Virgil soon understood the words and nodded a bit, still shaking. Patton took the nod as a sign to continue. Slowly so that Virgil could understand him, he started, "Ok, good. I'm going to pick you up so that I can help you in one of the ways I know how. Nod if that's ok, stay still if it's not and I'll think of something else ok?" Virgil quickly nodded again.

     Patton smiled softly before gently wrapping his arms around his small friend, picking him up slowly. He sat down in the snow, holding Virgil close to his chest."Shh, it's ok, it's ok. Just listen to my heartbeat and try and match your breathing to that ok?"

     Virgil tried to only concentration on Patton's heartbeat. After a minute, his breathing started to even out, and his sobs turned into sniffles.

     "There you go.. That's better right?" Patton continued.

     Virgil nodded and wiped his nose.

     "Hey, I'm going to go inside and get your stuff ok? You might catch a cold if I don't, and no one wants to be sick during the holidays!" Patton left Virgil outside for a minute and grabbed his friend's beanie, gloves, jacket, and boots. He came back out and handed them to Virgil.

     Virgil mumbled a thanks and pulled on the combat boots, then jacket, then gloves and finally the beanie. He wiped away his tears.

     "I.. don't know if it's too soon to ask this but... what caused that? It seemed pretty bad."

     Virgil froze but shook his head, "I-I don't want to talk about it.."

     "Oh, well, that's ok. I won't pressure you into telling me." Patton offered Virgil a sympathetic smile as he sat back down beside his friend, so that he knew everything was going to be ok now. Virgil smiled sadly back at him, and leaned onto the wall.

     "Hey, I have an idea. Do you want to go for a walk? It might help you calm down. I have no problem staying outside for a bit longer. Plus, it'll be fun!" Before Virgil could respond, Patton added quickly, "Unless you don't want to! It's just a suggestion."

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