CHAPTER 6 (Janus's P.O.V.)

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*Trigger warnings! Missing person (kinda), injury (I guess?). If we've missed anything, please tell us so we can add it up here!*

     It was late. Janus knew that much. He was standing beside the drink table at the party. He didn't have anything though, because he knew that it was probably poisoned with some sort of alcohol that they weren't even of age to drink. Checking his watch he learned it was 10:48. It was late. Especially considering that Patton was here. Janus knew that Patton had told them that he had somehow convinced his parents that he could stay out until 11:00, but it was still late. Speaking of Patton, where was he anyway? He and Virgil had left a while ago to go find some food, and a quieter place to hang out, but they hadn't returned to tell Janus where that was yet.

     Almost as if on que, Patton appeared out of the crowd. As the boy searched for what was probably Janus, he had a worried look written all over his face. As he spotted Janus, a look of relief replaced the worry.

     As Patton neared, he looked behind Janus and asked, "Have you seen Virgil?"

     "I thought he was with you?" Janus answered.

     "Well, he was! But... One minute he was there. The next he just disappeared."

     Ok, that was not what Janus had expected. Knowing Virgil, he would have never left Patton on purpose. Especially not at some high school party where anything could happen. Janus tapped his chin, thinking of any possible reason that the two would get separated. It seemed unlikely that they would have just naturally strayed from each other.

     "Have you tried looking for him?" Patton shook his head.

     "I didn't want to go into the crowd without someone around, and I didn't know where to start anyway. I thought that it would be better if we looked for him together?" Patton sounded as if he wasn't sure what he was supposed to do. He sounded scared. Which he very well should be. This was a high school party after all. A Kingsley high school party.

     Janus took one more look at Patton's worried face and sighed, "We'll find him Patt. Don't worry. This may be a legitimate mansion, but we'll find him. Besides, I think I have a pretty good idea of where to start 'the search'." A small smile crept onto that worried face, and fear was replaced with hope.

     Janus scanned the crowd around him. He ended up having to stand on his tip-toes to see above the sea of people standing all around the room the boys were in. This action was useless, however, given the fact that the two people he was looking for, didn't appear to be in the room. Grabbing Patton's hand, he led his friend out of the room, scanning the crowds in the other rooms for the people he was looking for. As Janus looked behind himself, he saw Patton doing the same. Although, the only person Patton was looking for was Virgil.

     "Bingo." Janus said with satisfaction.

     "You found him!?" Patton asked, sounding hopeful.

     "Nope. But I've found the other person I was looking for."

     Janus led Patton over to a group of people standing and drinking what was either alcohol or regular punch. Roman, was one of these people.

      "Hey, Princey!" Janus called once he was within earshot. "This is your party. Where's our friend?"

     Roman rolled his eyes as he answered, "I don't know where that stupid emo kid is. Ask Remus, he's over there in the kitchen." The host nodded his head towards the doorway separating the room that they were in now to the room that was, according to Roman, the kitchen. Janus murmured an annoyed 'thank you' and led Patton away once more. He heard the latter call a louder thank you over his shoulder and Janus had to roll his eyes at that. Sometimes Patton was just too nice.

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