I Don't Like Being in Debt

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(Rantaro's POV)

My sluggish brain and body were hard to move after having such a close instance with death, but I was still quick enough to grab onto the slippery water demon's ankle before it could get away. Once it flipped itself over, I was able to get a better look at its face.

I'd be lying if I said the being wasn't attractive, I'm sure it helped attract humans to their own demise. Even with sand covered legs and wide, panicked eyes, the being was still just as gorgeous as it was in the water.

And most likely just as dangerous.

Upon further examination, I noticed a deep blue liquid staining the pure white skin of the siren's stomach and side. Was that blood? Reaching my free hand out, I went to graze over it's hip, but the being smacked my hand away frantically. Evidence enough to conclude that it was indeed blood. The captain was probably able to hit it with the crossbow he had which would explain the wound.

"I'm going to ask one more time," my voice came out a lot smoother and stronger than I was currently feeling.

"Why did you save Shuichi and myself from drowning?"

The white and blue lips of the being trembled before finally parting.
"I...I-I don't know," the voice was hardly above a whisper. "I guess...I guess your crew kind of c-caught my attention. You were fun to observe," the siren tried to look away, but I was quick to grab it's jaw, forcing it to look at me. This one was weak willed, as long as I kept eye contact, there's no way a lie would leave those lips. I was a bit surprised by how smooth the purple scales on its cheeks were, and they glittered quite beautifully under the sun's rays.

A few shuddering gasps escaped the trembling siren below me, trying to steel its nerves enough to speak again. "Please! Please! Let m-me go, I don't want to die here..." the white haired being sobbed out. Tears that were previously welled up in his eyes began spilling out over his cheeks and scales.
His two black stained hands gently gripped onto my hand that was holding his jaw. "It hurts, please let me go home! I-I promise to never follow your ship again!"

I looked back down at the bleeding wound and found myself sighing. I really was a softie. "Tell me your name and swear on your life that you won't attempt to take my life, or my friend's. If you sing to us, I will assume that's a threat and will personally slit your throat before the captain's wound takes your life. Do you understand?"

With a shaking nod from the siren, I slowly let go of his jaw and leaned backwards, enough space for him to sit up, but not enough room to turn and flee.

"Now speak."

"My name...m-my name is Keebo. I'd prefer it if you'd use he and him instead of it. I d-don't like to be referred to as a thing." This brought a small grin to my lips, amused by his train of thought. It was hard to imagine sirens as anything more than seductive, flesh eating monsters who didn't want anything more than to feed. Yet here in front of me was one who hardly matched that description above. It was almost unnerving how human like he spoke and acted.

"And I swear...on m-my life... that I will not," he took a shaky breath, trying to calm his nerves as he continued. "That I will not attempt to hurt you or your f-friend...Shuichi?" It caught me off guard that he remembered his name. I mean, I did say it not too long ago, but why would a siren care to remember the name of a vulnerable human? One that would make a very easy target considering he's facedown in the sand at the moment.

"Good... I guess it's only fair that I attend to your wound now." I found myself almost robotically beginning to untie the sash around my waist and shimmy closer to the siren in the sand. As my hands inched  closer to the wound on Keebo's side, once again, his hands made contact with my own. I couldn't get over how dark they were compared to the rest of his snow white skin. The panic and fear on his face made me freeze, waiting for him to speak.

"Now it's your turn! Why a-are you so willing to help me heal! How do I know y-you won't just harm me further?" He exclaimed.

"Considering you just saved me from drowning moments ago, I think that this would be only fair. I'm not quite fond of being in debt to anyone. This way we'll be even."

After hearing my brief explanation and allowing a few moments of tense, awkward silence to pass, he cautiously let go of my hands and allowed me to gently clean and wrap his side. He had an iron grip on the cloth around his legs, digging his claws in whenever there was a twinge of pain. I found my lips pressing into a frown upon seeing him in pain. It wasn't particularly a pleasant sight.

Once I had the sash wrapped snugly around his hips. I fell backward into the sand, exhaling heavily. Only then did the exhaustion from fighting for my life, almost drowning, and coming face to face with a siren come crashing down onto me, making my eyelids grow heavy and my head pound.

"Sleep," The gentle, but firm command came from none other than Keebo, who was staring blankly at the deep sea ahead. "You've been through a lot in the past few hours and the human body requires rest after such a feat. Perhaps this will all feel like a dream and when you wake up, it'll be as if nothing had ever happened. I will be back in the sea, not bothering you or your crew again and you will be back on your merry way, doing...whatever you pirates do." His tone was bitter as he cradled his head in his hands, eyes holding little emotion that I could read.

"And what about you?" I challenged. "What's to say that you won't attempt to kill us while we sleep?"

He turned and glared at me, looking no more threatening than a guppy. "Didn't I already swear that I wouldn't hurt you? If that isn't enough for you, I'll go back into the sea now and th-"

"Not happening," I cut him off with a dismissive wave, sitting back up, hoping to intimidate him just a bit with the added height. "You could get reinforcements and in the state Shuichi and I are in, we wouldn't be able to save ourselves."

I'd be lying if I said his growing agitation didn't amuse me in the slightest, but my words clearly reflected my concerns as well. Annoying the pretty being was just a plus.

"Then what do you suggest we do, shark bait?" he snapped back. I knew the nickname was meant to be a threat, but it was hard to take it 100% seriously when he was practically pouting while threatening me. I still had to be mildly cautious however, he was still a siren.

"You can rest too. If all three of us sleep, no one will have to worry about anyone trying to call for an attack or attempt to hurt one of us."

Keebo looked at me skeptically, but slowly agreed. I assume the exhaustion of the day finally convincing him to agree as well. "Fine, but on one condition." He crawled away from the water, closer to me. He laid down on the coarse sand and enclosed my wrist in his fingers. "I'm going to hold onto your right hand. I've seen you draw your sword before, so I know this is your dominant hand."

It reminded me of my younger sister. The bittersweet memory of her climbing into bed with me and holding my hand before falling back asleep filled my brain and made my heart ache. I missed her more than I could express. I missed all of them.

Looking back at Keebo, who was gazing at me, waiting for my answer, I obediently nodded. "Fine, if it means no hostilities." With that, I laid down onto my back, and looked up at the stars, feeling the scaled boy's tight grip on my hand was oddly comforting. It didn't take long for my heavy eyelids to close and within seconds, I found myself floating within my own consciousness.

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