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And just like that, he went silent and I felt his eyes boring into the side of my head. My heart jumped into my throat and I froze, unable to look him in the eye. I should have just remained quiet. I shouldn't have said anything.


The sound of his voice cracking broke my heart. He was so well put together, and here I had to go and break him. I was still hesitant, but I wanted to relieve some of the pain that I had placed on him. Slowly, I turned my head to look up at him.

I never thought the sight of a human would break my heart so much.

He looked desperate and pained. His eyes were glassy, tears threatening to slip down his tanned cheeks. He didn't have to use his words, his eyes alone were begging me for an answer.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. I don't remember where exactly I saw her."

His crestfallen expression made me feel cruel. I almost wondered if I shouldn't have said anything at all. My shaking hand slowly inched closer to his, my smallest finger reaching out to hook with his. While it was partially meant to act as a small form of comfort, it was also meant to act as a promise I made to both myself and him. "I just know that she was on a ship. I don't even know what kind."

Rantaro's pinky curled around mine and with his other hand, he covered his eyes and forehead, sucking in deep and shaky breaths. "Oh god. What if she was kidnapped and is being sold around... what if that happened to all my sisters? Are they slaves aboard sailors' ships?"

Gently shaking my head, I looked in front of me, towards the doorway of his cabin, unable to bear the pain of seeing his broken form.

"No... No, I don't think that was the case. She did look serious, maybe even a little sad, but she looked like she was in control of her situation. She wasn't tied up, she didn't look scared. She was even dressed like you are now. Loose fitting clothes instead of that tight dress she was wearing in the photograph."

The man beside me seemed to pause as he pondered this suggestion. The melancholy air that previously surrounded us was starting to dissipate, though the air still felt thick with emotion.

"She's like me now...huh." A bitter chuckle left him and he finally allowed his hand to drop away from his face. He still looked upset, but not as grief stricken as before. "Can't say I'm surprised. Katsumi definitely would be the one to take control of a ship." A weak smile formed on his lips, one that I attempted to return.

A smooth silence overtook us and we took a moment to just bask in one another's presence. It was the most comfortable I felt since being on the ship. I found myself opening the waterskin again, drinking more of the water that was in it. Rantaro's gaze followed my movements, making me a little nervous, but it wasn't enough to deter me. I needed the water. After I had my fill, I handed the skin to him, to which he graciously took.

"You sure you've had enough?" he asked. Once he received my nod of approval, he drank what was left in the skin.

Throughout the whole exchange, our pinkies remained intertwined. Scared to let go and accidentally lose the bond that we shared during that moment. One that had formed in our most vulnerable moments with one another. When we let go, when we leave this room, would that bond follow? Or would we go back strictly to being prisoner and warden?

After a few more moments of blissful silence, a knock on the door ruined the sweetness of the moment.

"Rantaro." The voice of the captain ruined it further. It was easy to tell that he wasn't happy. There was no teasing tone in his voice, he was practically hissing through his teeth, making me grimace. How ear piercing. With a voice like that, he's lucky that he was not born a siren. He would have been disowned immediately for his lack of ability.

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