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Ahsoka looked out over the lower city in horror. Caedus had killed Almec, then immediately bombed the lower city. Rex was down there, working with several other squads in search and rescue. A shift in Ahsoka's montrals told her that somebody was behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to see Bo-Katan behind her, frowning at the wreckage. 

"This occupation cannot last long. The people will not stand for it. I, will not stand for it." She said softly. 

"My men don't want to be a police force. The two weeks we've been here have been hard on them." Ahsoka pressed her lips together, turning back to the smoldering city. 

"Thank you, for not broadcasting yourself as a jedi." Bo said unexpectedly in the silence. Ahsoka gave her a wry smile. 

"I'm no jedi, but I know what you mean." She sighed, leaning against the railing. "The people will always fear the jedi, especially mandalorians." Bo gave her a look. "Ok, maybe not fear. but the point is still the same." Ahsoka corrected herself. 

"All the same, the niteowls owe you for this. we need Caedus gone and in custody. Although, I do have a question for you." She said, moving to stand next to Ahsoka. Ahsoka felt a shiver run through the force, a cry of agony from a non force user so strong it echoed through the force around her. She stumbled a bit, silently gasping. She missed Bo's question. A strong hand grabbed her by the shoulder and kept her from pitching over the rail. 

Bo gripped her tightly, looking at her questioningly. Ahsoka shook her head. "Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked what made Caedus so dangerous." She said. 

Ahsoka gritted her teeth, rubbing at her scarred wrists. "He... He plays games. Can get inside your head, literally. I..." Realization washed over her. The scream. Caedus. She whipped out her commlink. "Commander. Commander, come in. Rex!" There was a burst of static. 

"I'm here. Torrent is pinned down. I- gah."  There was the sound of explosions and shouting. "As soon as the last of the civilians were out he attacked. He took ARC trooper Dogma."  Rex growled, panting. 

"I know. Is Caedus present at your location?" She asked, even though she had a good idea of the answer. 

"No. Just his- ARRGG." Rex gave a shout of pain and the line went dead. Ahsoka fought down the sudden primal surge of panic that welled up in her. She raised the commlink to her lips, changing the channel. 

"Storm company, split and send all available aid to Torrent's coordinates." She said coolly. She flicked through the channels again. "Surge, get the remaining civilians out of there. Prep medevacs for wounded troops as soon as you are finished."

There was a smattering of acknowledgements. Ahsoka dropped her wrist. Bo caught her arm again. 

"Tano, Ahsoka, you realize that if you beat Caedus, I will have to fight you for the darksaber." She warned. Ahsoka nodded. 

"Yeah. I know." Ahsoka tilted her head. "Gotta keep the legend alive. Ahsoka glanced around, double checking for anything that could overhear them. "Don't worry. I'll make it look good." Bo seemed surprised. 

"You... will voluntarily let a full grown mandalorian beat the oisk out of you, for our tradition's sake?" Bo paraphrased slowly. Ahsoka smiled. 

"Mandalore needs a new ruler. One that holds to the beliefs and isn't a psychotic murderer. I know how much mandalorian tradition means to so many. Not just from your clans as well. For the clones, for people who need a place to go, you rescue them. You give them something to hold on to, and call their own." She shook her head. "In a way, you're everything the jedi order should have been, if a little more bloodthirsty."

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