The Princess is Crowned

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(Just a quick thing, I don't own Princess Justice's design, that belongs to Kwaii ComicUvU, I've linked the original video above for credits and for reference, enjoy my take on a Princess Justice episode!)

*Francois Dupoint High School*

*Marinette is walking down to Mrs. Bustier's class when Adrien walks up next to her*

Adrien: Hey Marinette!

Marinette: *Looks to see Adrien* ah! Adrien!

Adrien: Whoops.... Didn't mean to scare you there.... Sorry.

Marinette: I-it's ok.... *Walks faster as they reach Mrs. Bustier's class and Marinette sees Lila in the front of the room*

Lila: Yeah, then I had dinner with him and his mistress.... It was divine!

*Marinette could feel the anger and rage blooming inside her, although she couldn't tell where it was coming from, she knew that Lila was a liar through and through*

Mrs. Bustier: That's a interesting story Lila... *Sees Marinette* oh! Marinette... You'll sit next to Lila! Cause today we're gonna work on bonding!

*Marinette could feel the fumes grow, she wanted so much to hit Lila straight in the mouth, maybe knock a few teeth out if she was lucky, but she knew she'd be in trouble for that, so she grumbled and sat next to Lila*

Mrs. Bustier: Good morning class! Today we're gonna give each other some complements to brighten their mood! Alya and Nino, why don't you two go first?

Alya: Ok Mrs. Bustier.... *Turns to Nino* Nino Lahiffe, you're so beautiful... You are the most talented DJ in the world! Idk what I would do without your honey eyes staring into my weary soul... *Kisses Nino's cheek*

Nino: *Blushes*

Mrs. Bustier: Aww... How nice Alya! You gave Nino complements and expressed your love! How wonderful!

Alya: Thanks Mrs. Bustier... Those are just words I say every day!

Nino: Alya Césaire... You are the most beautiful girl in the world... You're so sweet and beautiful and pretty and... Gosh! I could go on...

Alya: *Blushes* Nino...

*Alya and Nino kiss*

Mrs. Bustier: How lovely.... Chloe, why don't you give some complements to Aliya?

(Adding my OC but in this world she has black hair and teal eyes, dark tanned skin and pink lips)

Chloe: Give.... Aliya.... A.... Complement?!

Mrs. Bustier: Yes Chloe.... She's been the sweetest to you all this time.... Look at how much kindness and compassion she's shown you.

Chloe: *Turns to Aliya who's writing in her notebook*

Aliya: *Hums a song*

Chloe: *Clears her throat*

Aliya: *Looks at Chloe* yes?

Chloe: *Sees her sparkling teal eyes staring at her* uh....

Sabrina: *Puts a hand on Chloe's shoulder* you've got this Chloe....

Chloe: Aliya... You're so beautiful.... And... I mean that... I... *Holds up a lesbian pin* I think I'm lesbian for you....

Aliya: *Looks shocked with her eyes wide and mouth wide* what?!

Chloe: *Starts tearing up* you probably think I sound ridiculous.... I'm sorry that came out so abruptly...

Aliya: *Gets up from her seat next to Juleka* Chloe.... *Walks to her and holds her hands* Chloe....

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