Punishment and Sentence

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*Lila screams and Princess Justice laughs*

Princess Justice: *Laughs* aww... This is SO much fun!

Lila's thoughts when she looks at her wound: Ok... She just slit my abdomen.... I'll most likely survive and will have 5 maybe 6 stitches at most.

CTW Freddy: HaHaHaHaHa! NIcE sUrPrIsE hUh LiTtLe CuPcAkE?

Lila: *Snaps back* h-huh?! Oh... Yeah!

Princess Justice: Hahaha... Stockholm syndrome is already setting in...

CTW Freddy: WhAt DoEs ThAt MeAn?

Princess Justice: It means that she's growing to like her punishment.....

CTW Freddy: Oh... ThAt MaKeS sEnSe!

*Back in the locker room*

Aliya: Woah what?! Y-you two are Rena Rouge and Carapace?!

Alya: *Giggles* y-yeah... Funny story...

Nino: Yeah...

Adrien: *Sighs and looks towards his black cat kwami as Plagg closes his eyes and nods*

Aliya: I wonder how no one knew I was White lion?

Adrien: Uh... Guys...

Nino: *Looks at Adrien* yeah dude?

Adrien: *Takes a deep breath and sighs* Plagg, claws out.

*Plagg goes into Adrien's ring and he turns into Cat Noir*

Everyone: *Surprised*

Chloe: Adri-kins?! Y-you're C-Cat Noir?!

Cat Noir: Yeah?

Nino: Woah..... Dude.....

Alya: Awesome!!!!

Aliya: Uh... *Looks at Tikki worriedly*

Tikki: It's what's best Aliya... Marinette would have revealed them anyway...

Nino: One boulder off of our shoulders huh?

Chloe: *Sighs* Pollen, buzz on.

*Pollen goes into the hair comb accessory and Chloe turns into Queen Bee*

Everyone except Aliya: Knew it!

Aliya: WHAT?!

*Everyone, including Queen Bee, looks at Aliya confused*

Aliya: *Her dark cheeks turn red* C-Chloe is... Q-Queen Bee?!

Queen Bee: Yeah... Why does that shock you?

Aliya: Because I never expected that someone as beautiful as you would be Queen Bee!

*Queen Bee blushes*

Cat Noir: Claws in.

*Cat Noir turns back into Adrien*

Adrien: You like Queen Bee?

Aliya: Yeah... She's the hottest hero...

*Queen Bee's cheeks flush bright red as she covers her face with her hands*

Nino: *Gently jabs Queen Bee/Chloe with his elbow* someone's got the hots for you dudette!

Queen Bee: B-buzz off!

*Queen Bee turns back into Chloe*

Chloe: Y-you think I'm cute in the Queen Bee suit?

Aliya: Cute? *Gets up and walks over then gets Chloe pinned against the locker* baby... You're the hottest bee I've ever seen...

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