Queen of the Sea

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A sea witch. A fat, wicked sea witch.

That is what they call me. How dare they call me that while they ask me to make their wishes come true? Asking for different kinds of potions for having beauty, intelligence, wealth, attention, and the word that I despise the most is no other than love itself.

Same as that little mermaid, the annoying princess, the youngest daughter of that old king. She asked me to give her what humans called feet. She was in love with the prince. I grant her wish. It is part of the agreement that I will not grant her wish for free. She accepted the deal and she gave her voice to me. She went to the land, and looked for the prince. Unfortunately, the prince was in love with someone else. It broke Princess Ariel's heart and blamed me for what happened. The nerve of that girl! Well, as always, like father, like daughter. They really love to blame their mistakes on others so that they will never be embarrassed and look good in front of everyone.

Well, what does the child know about love? Even her father does know that word. Love is a sacrifice.

To love someone is like a suicide. 

How did I say that Love is a suicide? Oh well...it is because I loved someone before. I loved that merman so much that I didn't get a chance to notice his evil plans and selfish desires that he had for my crown, throne, and oh! The trident! I gave everything he ever wanted. Riches, attention, companionship, care, and love. I gave it all but look what he did! He stole my throne, and the ones that sacrificed for my blindness of love were my people, the Cacaelias.

The real ruler of the sea and the ocean was me. 

The real ruler was a queen, not a king. Not a weak merman who was only strong because of the trident.

My trident.

He banished me away from Atlantica. My very own palace. How could he? How can those merfolk, sirens... those unfortunate and imbecile merfolk trust that evil merman to be their king, to make him their king, the ruler and protector of the sea and the ocean?! How could they even do that?

They even saw how that merman and the merfolk guards killed the Cacaelias, my people. They killed everyone including the children.

Oh! The innocent children!

He slaughtered everyone. He does not have the heart of a great ruler. He shows no mercy. I was not able to protect my people since the trident was not in my hands. I was powerless. I was weak. That is my weapon. That is where my power is.

He put a spell on me to never step any of my tentacles in Atlantica ever again. It is because he is afraid of what I am capable of. 

But I wonder why he didn't kill me if he was afraid?

Poor princesses didn't know that their father was a murderer... an envious creature with evil and selfish desires, and greed for power. 

Ever wonder why humans were afraid and despise mermaids? It is because they killed a lot of humans. Luring them to go near them by their beautiful voices then drowning them to their death. Then stealing the treasures and weapons from the ships.

Triton's wife, Athena was said to be killed by an accident, because she was hit by a ship while trying to swim away for her life. That is not true. She wasn't killed by accident. She was killed by the sailors because she tried to drown an innocent human child! In my time, there was no such thing as killing human beings. I don't consider them a threat to my kingdom. They just want to have some food to eat for their empty stomachs.

Sirens were the real villains. Especially that Triton. I was not the real villain here. He used me to cover up the evil things he had done. He blamed me for what happened. He blamed and pinpoint my people as evil creatures and monsters of the sea.

They didn't know that the real monster was their king and his soldiers.

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