M is for (Mangle)

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A/n: Hanahaki disease but Harley this time....

Should i put happy ending here or nah?...

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"Harith! Harley! Nana! You guys been called by the headmaster as well!" Lylia ran towards then following her little buddy from behind. The trio looked and slowed down by their movements for Lylia to catch up.

"We sure are, i wonder what will the mission be the team-up is weird" Nana patted her right cheek while the boys agreed so

"Oh no im not include i just heard it from Miya i wanted to come but it will be a bother to her, But maybe next time i might be included to a new mission even without you guys" Harith thumbs up and smiled for the Mage giving her positive thoughts not letting herself down

"Dont worry Lylia you can do it, i think i heard the headmaster needs help handling few of the minions from his castle" Lylia gave a questionable look to the Leonin or maybe Harith just saying non sense again like he usually do.

"Anyways nice meeting you here Lylia but we have to go now or Miya would kill us for being such slow poke, few elves are early birds anyway". Lylia giggled as memory of Miya struck to her mind and skips away waving at the trio as they also went to their way.

"I wonder what our mission will be its quite rare for use to see each other on a mission" Harley nodded to Nana's statement.

"Maybe he need a skilled hero like me, a crowd control skill like Nana, and a genius like Harley" as Harith complement each of them. The sun soon to be rises as they wake up at dawn. It was chilly but their chat made it quite warmer. It took a minutes to reach to their destination and seeing an inpatient archer, with her side the Tank Tigreal joined in.

"You guys took too long" Miya huff a bit while Harith steps up.

"Its just a minute how bad would that be?" Miya rubbed the bridge of her nose and just sigh sadly

"Thats true but i want you to be earlier as possible there will be consequences of being late or early, if you guys didnt show up now ill get worry at the same time i dont know where you guys have been"

The trio looked to each other was going to say sorry but Miya raised her hand and smiled happily.

"All i want to say exactly is that.... Every second is precious, when i was just a young elf i made the worst mistake of missing a minute that led a tragedy of my village, You guys have a chance to prove me right or wrong, maybe you didnt felt it yet" Harley averted his eyes since he felt the same. If he didnt let Lesley alone at that night, she might have survive and to be one of the fine assassins in Moniyan Empire, but he left her knowing that she will be okay. Lost of thought Miya brushes Harley's hair and saying an apology that she forgot Harley knew what she's referring to.

Harith wrap an arm around Harley's shoulder, the Mage Genius smiled and tapped the Leonin's back, knowing it all right.

"Ok lets go, The Headmaster told me that we need to find the secrets of the lost village that Chou is referring to"

Nana raised a brow looking both to Harley and Harith before looking at Miya with questionable look needing some well explanation

"What did that do to caught the headmaster's interest?" Miya placed a right thumb under her lips and thinking the main reason for it but only one thing that could fit the Leonin's question

"I dont know the whole details but as Chou's view, he said a gem glow when he was attacked by the bandits, he was not sure what that gem is, and its up to us to know it" Harith pressed both of his lips forming a thin line, it does makes senses for the Headmaster to find interest by that gem of the forest Chou accidentally found.

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