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"Ok, um. That hookup is new." Layla comments watching Jordan from afar who stood at the shore line of the beach making out with another girl.

Emberly who seated in the chair beside the Keating, her eyes rose from the journal in her lap looking over at Layla and following her eye sight, her gaze setting on Jordan.

"Today, it's Jasmine. Two days ago, it was Reagan. Last week Crystala." Olivia lists off the numerous girls she had seen her brother with over the past weeks.

 "Wow. Go, Jordan." Layla praises.

"It's like his way of dealing with our family drama is by creating his own gross version of "the bachelor'." Olivia says.

Since the Baker family had found out about Coach Baker and Grace's affair, it had been hard on them. Coach Baker had moved out of the house while Laura, Jordan and Olivia tried to deal with the fact that their family was broken. For winter break Laura, and the twins headed up to Lake Tahoe to try to escape from their problems back here and at least try to pretend nothing was wrong. However, when they returned back home, reality gave them a big slap in the face. Jordan was the one out of the three showed it was affecting him. 

 "Liv, he's QB-1 on a championship-winning team. He's just taking advantage of his new celeb status. He's fine." Layla tells her.

"I wouldn't call it that. He's taking advantage of all the legs that have opened. What he needs to do is make sure he's wrapping up. Next thing you know some girl might show up pregnant." Emberly states.

 "So you've been a hard person to reach over winter break." Olivia looks over at Layla changing the topic not wanting to think about her brother getting someone pregnant.

"Um, you were the one who disappeared to Lake Tahoe with your mom and Jordan." Layla states.

"Magically, phones still work up there."

"Oh. Ok." 

"Don't forget about me. I was still here." Emberly points out. 

"Were you though? Because you were kinda off grid since Santa decided to give you the best gift you could want. You and Spencer finally did the deed." Layla says.

Emberly turns her to Layla, giving her a look. "I don't see how that's relevant to the discussion. And I'm not the one we're talking about right now.

 "I mean, I left you messages. I was worried about you." Olivia tells her.

"I'm great." Layla smiles.

 "Layla, you kind of had a breakdown after the game. I mean... you tore up your house." Emberly reminds her. 

While Olivia had gone through her own stuff, so did Layla. Staring with her breakdown that lead her to trash her own house. She and Olivia tried to be there for Layla and was still trying to but Layla had acted completely normal about it, like it had never happened. It was like it didn't even affect her or anything. They were worried about her, but until Layla allowed them to help her there was nothing they could do but keep trying. 

 "OK. It was not a breakdown." Layla states.  "I was just mad at my dad for not taking the first break-in seriously, so I kind of just took it out on his crap and let him think there was another break-in. That's it, and it worked because now he's back, and we're spending quality time together house hunting, and everything's perfect."

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