Ch 3.* Kenzi gets a taste

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"Stand," Tim instructed as he helped her up and rose with her. "For the time being, we will use safe words. If you decide to join us in our lifestyle, the words will hardly be used. In our world safe words means you don't trust me. If you have a safe word it means you fear I won't know when you are past your point. We will keep them for a time, especially during the next few days. But soon I will know your body better than you do and the safe words will be irrelevant because I will know your limits. And push them by a tad." Tim smiled and Kenzi flushed again.

"Now, we will use the colors of a traffic light," Tim smiled. "It's universal so everybody understands. Green means you like what is going on and everything is ok." Kenzi nodded.

"Repeat it," Tim instructed.

"Green means everything is ok, I like it. Sir," Kenzi repeated.

"Yellow means your limit is coming," Tim said watching her. "It doesn't mean stop, it means proceed with caution. Now this word will cause me to evaluate all that I am doing. Am I being safe? Am I pushing too far? Can I take it just a bit further?"

"Yellow means I'm coming close to my limit," Kenzi repeated. "Caution. Sir."

"Red is automatic stop," Tim whispered. "Anything and everything halts. Once it's halted it can't be restarted. So use caution in this word. If I find out you are using the word because you are scared and not being harmed. Automatic thirty strokes. You can only use red when you are being harmed. Do you know the difference between hurt and harm?"

"No, Sir," Kenzi shook her head.

"Pain is ok, it may hurt," Tim explained. "But some pain brings more pleasure. Harm brings injury. I will never...injure you. Nor will allow by omissions you to be injured." Tim paused mid-sentence to show his sincerity. "It would harm me grievously to bring injury to you."

"Red means stop," Kenzi repeated. She had slight soft tears as she saw the conviction in Tim's eyes. "I know you will never harm me, Sir."

"Trust," Tim smiled.

"Always," Kenzi smiled. "Sir."

"Oh so eager!" Tim smiled as he moved around Kenzi dragging his fingers across her body causing her knees to weaken. He slowly undid the clasp in her bra and slowly pushed the straps off her shoulders. Her body instantly began to shake with both excitement and fear. Not fear of Tim, but the fear of the unknown.

Running his fingers over her warm skin, down her arm pushing her bra off as he went. It fell to the floor and Kenzi looked to Lily who watched with her secret smile. As Tim pulled his fingers back up her arms he brushed his thumbs across her breasts causing her to exhale and her heart to break into a gallop. She held her breath.

"I love that," Tim whispered in her ear. His hot breath caused her to shiver uncontrollably.

"I'm here to please," she whispered unable to speak any louder as she had no breath in her. "Sir."

"So eager!" Tim hissed as he nuzzled her neck. His fingers slid down her breasts across her stomach to the cotton fiber of her panties.

"I'm sorry my underwear isn't as beautiful as Lily's," Kenzi explained as he ran his fingers around the elastic edges across the top.

"A problem I can rectify," Tim whispered. "From this point on, you are not allowed to wear something I have not directly approved of or bought for you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir," Kenzi gasped as his lips brushed over the back of her neck. She reached up with her hand and ran her fingers through his hair.

"Remove your hand from me," Tim smiled into her neck. She quickly withdrew. "You aren't to touch me unless you have my permission. Do you understand?" He asked as his fingers moved the elastic down her hips and her panties followed to the floor. "I touch you."

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