Being an Idol

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Chloe and Debbie had decided to meet up at 2 p.m. at this restaurant, it was a famous one, and you could reserve a private room. Even Chloe wasn't in the mood to go eating. She didn't want to disappoint Debbie, so she agreed to meet up with her. They met at 2 a.m., and Chloe sat down and ordered something to drink. Debbie told her to order because then she got a phone call and went outside the room; she came back and said to Chloe: Chloe, I am sorry, but I have to go, I can't eat with you, my family called, and I have to go to my mother. Something urgent, I am sorry, but you can stay here and eat. Chloe: Oh, Okay, but I can come another time. I will go with you. Debbie: No, no. You can eat here. First, I will hurry and come back later, okay, after I have finished that task from my mother, okay? Chloe: Really, That's okay? Debbie: Yes, I will hurry. You can order and eat first. See you later. Bye. Chloe: Okay. Then see you later. 

Debbié went out of the room and called Shin to tell him that Chloe was already there. James and Shin were on their way to the room, Shin had said they should eat at the restaurant, and when they arrived, he suddenly got a phone call; he answered it.  Shin told James he had to go because his girlfriend was sick, but James should eat there. He told the waitress to let him in a room. The waitress knew she should bring him to the room where Chloe stays because Debbié had told her they would meet with two other people.

Still, they would arrive later, so the waitress brought him to Chloe's room. When the door opened, Chloe thought it was Debbie and that she had forgotten something, but when she saw it was James, she knew that Debbie had toyed with her and had arranged all of this. James was also surprised to see her; he knew Shin had played him too. He didn't want to cause a misunderstanding, so he just sat down and waited until the waitress was gone. It was awkward. They both sat there and didn't know what the other should say; then James began and asked Chloe: Chloe, did you order already? Chloe: Yes, but only something to drink. James: Ah. and then again, it was silence. Chloe: Why didn't I think it was strange when Debbie suddenly told me she had an appointment. I should have known that something wasn't right. James: Yes, that's right. If you want, we can get out of here? Chloe: No, actually, I am hungry. If it's okay with you, I will eat here. James: Okay. When should we order? James didn't know what he should say. He was nervous because he was afraid of getting hurt again. Luckily the waitress came back and took their order. After she went out, Chloe and James got a message from Shin and Debbie that said they should talk and shouldn't rush it because they made sure nobody would disturb them. James: Okay, then should we talk? Chloe: Yes, I think we should talk. James: Are you happy now that you got what you wanted? Chloe: James, how could I be satisfied?  James: But this was what you wanted? Chloe was nervous because she didn't know what to say, but then she decided to be true to herself and told him: No, I had to do this; I didn't want this, James, I had to because of my entertainment. James: and because of your boyfriend, Minho. Chloe: He isn't my boyfriend. I don't have feelings for him. We are just together because my company wants this. But I... I don't love him. I love you, and I never stopped loving you. And realized this when we went to Busan, I didn't want the divorce, but I had to get it. I am sorry for hurting you a year ago. I don't want us to end up like this, but it wasn't easy, and this was the best solution back then. Did you know how difficult it was for me when we broke up? I had to pretend that everything was good, but in reality, I was heartbroken. The fans and entertainment demanded that I act like everything was good, but they all knew I wasn't okay. It was hard, but I overcame it, and I thought I wouldn't see you again, I regretted my decision every day and wanted to talk to you so badly, but I wasn't allowed to call you. And then you were in Seoul, and we met again at the show, I was glad to see you finally, but I knew that I hurt you and that you would hate me for that, so I didn't dare to talk to you. And tell you how much I had missed you and how sorry I am for what I did to you.

As Chloe talked, she began to cry, and James knew she meant every word she said to him. He could feel her sincerity and how sorry she was. He was glad that she expressed her feelings, and he now knew that she hadn't a boyfriend or wanted to hurt him and that she still loved it. James: Thanks, Chloe, for letting me know. The truth is when we fought back in Shanghai, you left. I was devastated, I did everything so that you could be happy in this situation, but after you told me that your career was more important than mine, I thought everything I did for you was useless. I was hurt, and I didn't know what I should do. I know being an Idol is difficult, I am also an Idol, but I haven't thought you would choose your career over me. I tried to forget you and produced new songs, so thanks for breaking my heart. This way, I could process my feelings and create new music. James looked toward Chloe and saw that she was crying even more. Chloe: I am so sorry for hurting you. I know it is too late, but I wanted to tell you. I can't change the past, but I hope we can still be friends. Maybe not right now but in the future. James: Yes, I know. Yes, perhaps in the future. I also love you, and even if you hurt me this much, I didn't stop loving you.

I was jealous when I saw that Minho was your fake boyfriend, but what could I do. You wanted the divorce, so I thought that you also loved him. I didn't know that this was just because of your entertainment. He also noticed how tears fell down his face but quickly whipped them away. Chloe saw this and began to cry even more. James couldn't see her like this and go to her side of the table. He hugged her and comforted her as she cried in his arms. They hugged each other, and finally, they cleared all their misunderstandings. Chloe had calmed herself down and was happy to feel James again. She had missed him so much. James detached himself from the embrace and looked at Chloe. He had missed her, and now he knew it wasn't her decision to leave him back in Shanghai. Her entertainment separated them because of her joy and her fans. They hurt each other because she had to make a decision. Now, What should they do? Would they continue being friends or more? James didn't know what to do. 

The waitress came back, and suddenly it became awkward because Chloe and James still looked at each other. The waitress brought the food inside the room and told them that if they needed something, they would have to press this button on the table, and she would come. Chloe and James thanked her, and she left. They both laughed after she left. It felt good to laugh again after all this. They ate the dishes, and when they finished, James said: So now that we have cleared everything, what should we do? I have to fly back in two days to Shanghai. Chloe: I don't know. Chloe didn't want to repeat goodbye. They knew they loved each other even if they weren't a couple or married to each other anymore. Chloe wanted to tell James that he shouldn't go, but she couldn't decide; James had to do this. If he thought that maybe they should try it for the last time, he should say it, but it could also be possible that he chose to stay friends because she hurt him so much. She was afraid, but if this was his decision, she had to accept it.

James looked at her and asked her: Should we go now? Chloe: Yes. James rang the bell, and Chloe insisted that she should pay the half, but he didn't want her to, so in the end, he paid for the food. James: I think it is best if we go separate ways now so that nobody would see us together. Chloe: Okay, then I will go ahead. Chloe stood up and wanted to go to the door, but she turned around and said to James: Okay, now this means goodbye? James stood there and watched Chloe as she waved, but suddenly he couldn't control his feelings anymore and came towards her. He hugged her body and kissed her on the lips. Chloe closed her eyes and remained like this for a few minutes, but then James let go of her and said: I am sorry. I shouldn't have done this. Chloe: No, don't be. I feel the same. James smiled at Chloe and hugged her, but he decided to let go of her and went out of the room. They went their separate ways. Chloe hoped she had seen him, but she didn't see him anymore. She called Debbie, and they drove back home. On their way, she told her that she and James had cleared the misunderstandings between them, and they now were friends. 

Chloe was happy that she was still friends with James and that he had forgotten her. She hoped they would meet one day again, maybe they could be more than friends, but now it was enough for her. James returned to the hotel and was happy that he and Chloe had talked and decided to stay friends. He wanted to be more, but they both knew it wasn't the right timing right now. Now he could fly back to Shanghai and live his life as an Idol. They exchanged their numbers again and agreed that they would write to each other so they would stay in contact. James called Shin and thanked him for arranging this meeting, it had helped them, and Shin was happy to have helped them.

Chloe had decided to talk to the entertainment because of the dating news with Minho. But before she did that, she spoke to Minho. They met at a restaurant. Chloe: Hi Minho, I wanted to talk to you. I know you like me, and I am grateful for everything you did for me when I was heartbroken and needed someone, but I don't love you. I love someone else and don't want you to be with someone who doesn't love you back. You don't deserve to be treated like this. So I would say we should end this dating news today. You will find someone who truly loves you, and I am sorry that you had to be my fake boyfriend. Minho: So in the end, I couldn't change your heart, but that's okay. I was happy to help you, and James is blessed that you love him. I know that you both love each other. So I hope that you will be happy with him. I wish you the best.  

Chloe: Thank you for understanding. I wish you the best. First, we should talk to our entertainments about this dating news, and then we will release articles that say we have broken up if it's okay with you. And so that you know, James and I aren't together. At the moment we are just friends. Minho: Yes, we should do it like this. That's good to hear; after all, you could clear everything, and you can stay as friends. Chloe: Yes, okay, then you will hear from me again. See you.

A few days later, Chloe and Minho released articles that the two had broken up. Then, finally, Chloe was free. She had everything settled, and she only concentrated on her idol life. 

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