Calvin Calvin

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There are many different types of "bro"s that could be shared between the Bukowski twins. There's the Annoyed Sibling "bro", the Heartfelt "bro", the We Just Did Some Cool Mission Shit "bro", and of course--most commonly--the Check This Out "bro".

That last one in particular often led to a lot of the pranks the pair would pull off from time to time.
Nothing too extreme, they were in the military after all. Though when you're bored on base with no one to bitch to but your twin, some real dumb shit is always bound to go down. Case in point, the following:

"Bro." Konrad elbowed Calvin in the ribs, as one does to get attention.

"What?" Calvin quickly looked to where Konrad was staring off to. A bit into the distance was a couple engineers and pilots. He only really recognized Charles. The engineers would keep to their work division, and no other pilot made as much of an effort to get to know the other soldiers like Charles did.

"You should totally date Charles."

See, it was a wintery day on the base they temporarily set up in Canada. They were still wrapping things up from last week's mission where Charles apparently got the help of two thieves to bring down the entire Toppat Clan. It takes a while to coordinate with foreign establishments to document certain arrests, especially with the ever reclusive and, frankly shady Russian faculty here. Why they sent the rocket to the Wall, he'll never know.

But one thing he DID know was that most of the army went to the local pubs during their breaks, and that a warming pint of cider costed roughly twenty bucks.

He spit out about five bucks at Konrad.

"What?" Calvin coughed, roughly wiping his mouth. Konrad didn't even flinch, likely used to bearing the brunt of Calvin's projectiles. "Why??"

He shrugged. "Cause if you guys ever got married your name'll be Calvin Calvin and that's pretty funny."

Calvin blinked a few times.

Then, it was like the cosmic nebulas opened the fuck up in his eyes, funny bone tickled beyond the plummeting depths of hell, and if you tried really, really hard, you just might hear from the waters of Calvin's subconscious, a little whispering voice saying, "That's fucking rad bro."

"That's fucking rad bro." Never let it be known for Calvin to NOT share whatever spontaneously pops up in his head with no filter whatsoever.

And they shared this Look, which, wasn't necessarily telepathy. But when you have an average relationship with your twin, and you so happen to spend your every waking hour and sleeping bunk with them BEYOND childhood, some cues are guaranteed to be engraved in stone. The current Look they gave each other communicated two things.

One. They weren't REALLY serious about this. About any of their pranks really. It was just a funny thought to them, and Calvin didn't mean to actually date or marry Charles--even if the guy was kinda cute--so really, it was all in aimless moronic fun.

Two. They loved scheming together, and they were going to have a BLAST scheming different strategies for this one.
For one, they'd have to plan out the build up (build up makes the finale all the more worthwhile of course), figure out which ingenious puns to use, but most importantly, they had to get the timing just right...

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