Chapter 2 - Dr Yeager

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POV: Y/n

I was walking back towards the town when I was distracted by a chirping noise nearby an old tree near the towns gate. My curiosity got the better of me as I wondered over to where I had heard the noise. As I neared the old tree a broken bird nest caught my eye, it must've fallen out of the tree. The chirping probably belonged to the bird that nest had belong to. I crouched down to get a better look at the nest and hopefully find the little bird that once lived there.

Upon closer inspection the bird nest had received damage that couldn't have come from falling out of a tree, which meant someone either accidentally or purposefully knocked it out of the tree. As usual my face showed no emotion, yet I did feel sympathy towards the birds that had once lived there. It made me only want to find the poor bird even more, I picked up the nest and stood up, I then carefully placed it on a low branch just above me. I couldn't fix it but maybe the birds will come back and fix it themselves, maybe. There was still no sign of the bird I had heard and I was contemplating just turning back and heading back towards the streets when the chirping started again.

I quickly looked in the direction of the chirping where my eyes laid upon the poor bird that had fallen from the tree. It was laying close to the tree itself and directly beneath a branch where the nest must've been. I crouched down again and slowly and gently picked up the bird, which started chirping and trying to move again. It seemed in pain and that's when I noticed it's broken wing most likely due to the fall.

I didn't know what type of bird it was or how to take care of it but as it couldn't fly I decided I couldn't just leave it there to die. Therefore I came to the decision to take it with me; I would try care for it until it was well enough to fly again. I had always had a soft spot for animals, and I was always fascinated by birds. In fact I envied them.

They looked so free and elegant as they soared above us. Soared above the high walls that contained us. I wished I could fly. So I could be free just like the birds. Never to be judged or trapped again. However dreams like that were impossible, freedom always comes with a price.

The bird itself was entirely black other than its beak and feet , i think they were called blackbirds? I heard only the male blackbirds were actually black therefore he must be a boy. As I slowly stood up while gently cupping the bird in my hands I decided to think of a name. Saoirse was the name I decided.
Saorise meaning for freedom (A/n: Irish)

I allowed a small smile to myself at the name I had chosen for the bird, what a beautiful word and even more beautiful name. Still I had to do something about Saorise's broken wing, while holding the bird gently in one hand I used my other to tear a small piece of fabric from my dress to use as a sling for the birds broken wing. I'd seen many parents do this when their child had broken an arm so I tried my best to replicate it but failed and settled for wrapping the fabric around the broken wing like a cast or bandage instead. I'd never had any experience with this sort of thing so I tried my best.

Once I was convinced I'd done the best I could, I gently cupped the bird with my two hands once more and started heading back over to the town.

When I was passing by I saw Eren and Mikasa by the gate, they were talking with a guard from the garrison. He was tall and blonde and was definitely a bit tippsy, he seemed to be messing around with Eren who got all defensive while Mikasa watched the conversation, but their conversation soon turned into an argument.

"Can you fight like that if you have to?" Eren asked the garrison soldier accusingly.

"If we have to? When would we..."The soldier replied seemingly confused at what Eren was asking.

"When else?! If they breached the walls and entered the city!"Eren angrily yelled at the soldier. Before being hit by Mikasa "Ow..." he mumbled as he gave a small glare to the black haired girl.

"Hey, Eren, don't yell like that..." The girl in question said monotonously, still watching the other boy.

"The doctor's son is pretty lively today." Another garrison soldier said, I noticed he was playing cards with other members of the garrison and drinking alcohol. It must've been where the other soldier had come from before he had greeted Eren and Mikasa.

Thankfully Eren hadn't noticed me as I was tuning in to their conversation. I'd rather not have to deal with Dr Yeagers son anymore today.

"If they ever do breach the walls, we'll do our jobs But that hasn't happened for a hundred years." The garrison soldier, Hannes, if I'd heard correctly said to Eren, as if trying to reassure him.

However Eren wasn't believing any of it, "But my dad says that you're in the most danger when you lower your guard!" He said trying to prove his point.

"Doctor Yeager, huh? Well, he's right..." Hannes continued but I had tuned out of their conversation and continued walking towards the town in the direction of the market, as I had lost interest in their conversation.

As I approached the market the stalls, shops and merchants were closing their stands and shutting their doors as I walked pass. This wasn't uncommon as I was known for stealing but how else was I meant to live when I had no food nor water or shelter of my own.

I was starting to feel hungry and I could imagine saoirse was feeling hungry too as I don't know how long he had been lying there after falling out of the nest. I needed to find something he and I could both eat. After a few minutes later I spotted a fruit stand. It was owned by an elderly woman and it sold a variety of apples, grapes, and berries. The berries seemed the like the best choice for both me and Saoirse plus they were easier to steal.

Keeping hold of Saoirse carefully in one hand as  I prepared to grab the berries with the other. I quickly ran past the stall, grabbing a bunch of berries in the process. The elderly woman didn't notice at first, in fact it wasn't until she received surprised looks from bystanders that she realised I had stolen from her. It could've been one of them but they would accuse me anyway if I was anywhere near.

By the time she had noticed and started hollering for people to stop me I had gotten away. Some people tried to grab me - which i easily dodged - but most ignored me, it was the usual at this point. I felt bad that I had to steal, but what else could I do? I occasionally would receive some food or old clothes from elderly woman or mothers that took pity on me, but those circumstances have become rarer and rarer.

All because I was different. Because my reflexes and speed were above average, even for an adult they'd say. And because of my secret... but even still very few people have seen it as I try to hid it as best as I can. It would create a lot of problems for me if more people were to find out, it also wouldn't be good for Dr Yeager as he is my doctor. He covered up for me the first time a few people saw it, but he warned me then it would be dangerous for me if people were to ever find out the truth behind it. He occasionally checks up on me for health reasons and to generally see how I'm doing, but other than that I rarely see him, he has his own family to look after of course.

Grisha Yeager would be the one person I trust in this town, despite my rare meetings with him. He seems to know more about my secret than I know myself.
Which slightly scared me.

Teenage Dirtbag//Eren x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now