Chapter 9 : Last One Standing

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The next day you returned to work you noticed Kagari and the other enforcers were already in the paddy wagon while Akane walked over to you. She had asked you to drive with her and you accepted the kind offer.

You got into her car and after while of driving in silence you asked, "So... I'm guessing that were going to the factory Shion told us Makishima and Kogami would be in?" Akane nodded silently while continuing to drive. You looked out the car window to see the black paddy wagon driving behind you while Inspector Ginoza was driving a car in front of you. ...This is it... Shougo will kill Kogami and the Sibyl System will be destroyed... Maybe Shusagi will stop acting so weird after this... hopefully...

After you arrived at the abandoned factory, Ginoza gave each one of you your assignments. Yayoi and Akane were suppose to uninstall the virus, You and Kagari were suppose to find Makishima while Ginoza and Masaoka would find Kogami.  You looked over at Akane, who was visibly disturbed. ... It must be because of Kogami... I'll only feel sorry for Akane when Kogami dies... But it can't be helped...

While shrugging it off the feeling of guilt, you saluted Inspector Ginoza along with everyone else. Ginoza then added, "The electricity will be shut off after Yayoi and Akane give the signal, so don't use any elevators." ... Great... I get to walk around a huge factory... but better safe than sorry...

Kagari quietly walked over to you as you smiled at him and said, "Hey!" He avoided eye contact as he bluntly said, "Let's just catch that Makishima guy. Okay?" ... He's still acting distant... At least he's not avoiding me?... It's not like he could but... Hopefully he'll get over it after today...

As your heart silently smashed into pieces as you calmly replied, "Sure..." You kept on a smile and pretended everything was okay, even if you were frustrated about everyone's behavior. 

As soon as you had gotten your dominators, Kagari and you entered the building as Shion called you. You answered the call and she immediately started talking while saying, "Inspector (L/N), Makishima should be on a floor underground. I haven't retrieved any floor plans so you'll have to find it on your own."

You thanked her and hung up as you started descending into the first floor underground with Kagari silently following behind you. After a while you got irritated with the way he ignored you or bluntly answered any question you asked him, so you told him, "Kagari, do you hate me? Because if you do then you've made it pretty damn clear."

His eyes widened but he quickly acted irritated and said, "No! Now stop saying and asking such stupid things. We have to concentrate on the assignment!" "No, I won't! I'm sick of this Shusagi! You've been acting like this for days now!" you yelled at him.

The enforcer looked sad but quickly responded, "That doesn't concern this assignment at all! We can talk about this later! We just have to catch Makishima, then we can talk!"

You were sick of it and you wanted to deal with it now, since you wouldn't catch Shougo anyways, "No! I want to know why you're acting like this! There is no way that you're acting like this subconsciously! So please, just tell me what's going on!"

While turning to look at you he said, "We can talk about it after this assignment! I promise!" "Like when you promised you'd stop acting like this?! Stop screwing with me Kagari, what's going on with you?! Did I do something wrong or did you just decided to act like this?!"

Kagari slowly started becoming frustrated as he yelled, "Just stop it, (Y/N)! I don't hate you and I never will!" Tears started to form in your eyes as you yelled back, "Then start acting like it because half the time I feel like you do!" ... Just be your normal self again... please?...

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