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Trixie's POV -

I wake up to my alarm screaming down my ear, I roll my eyes and turn it off. I creep down the corridor to see if my father is awake and thank god he isn't. Walking to the bathroom, I hear the floorboard creak.

Shit.. He's awake.

I smile at him trying to not make him angry and he rolls his eyes and walks away to get a can off beer. Quietly, I walk to my wardrobe and pick out a cute, pink dress to wear too school. After I get changed I go too my vanity and pile makeup on my body trying too hide the bruises and then I hear..

*BING* Katya_ Zamo has started following you...

As soon as I see this notification I smile, even though we have never spoke I have always liked her.. Just something about her, drew me in. Maybe its her gorgeous, blonde hair.. Or her piercing blue eyes.. Or her perfect set of tee-.. TRIXIE STOP LISTING THINGS! She's just so perfect its insane.

I'm secretly the biggest lesbian you may ever meet, but of course I won't tell anyone this. Other than my best friend Kim, she's so trustworthy I know she wouldn't tell ANYONE. Even if we fell out! But everyone else in my school is extremely homophobic I couldn't dare tell anyone else for the sake off my popularity. Katya is a lesbian, she's so brave for coming out in a school like ours. Nobody bullies her cause they know if they do they'll get beat the fuck up. Except from Violet and pearl of course. Me and Pearl used to be best friends, let's just say we aren't anymore..

I grab my bag and dash out the door before my dad notices me and message Kim too pick me up..

T: Kim!! Are you almost here?                                                                                                                                           K: Sorry Trix, I'm not coming in today. I feel super sick.                                                                                       T: Omg are you serious? You know what it's fine I'll walk hope you feel better Kim. <3                         K: Thanks Trixie!! <3

Well great. I have to walk.                                                                                                                                                   I start walking and I see someone coming up to me on a motorcycle.. I squint my eyes and, OH SHIT ITS KATYA.                                                                                                                                                                       "Hey Trixie.. Why are you walking, don't you drive with Kim"                                                                            I hate to admit it but I don't have a drivers license yet..                                                                                        "Oh yeah I do, she's just feeling sick today so I'm walking by myself."                                                           She nods "Ohh I see, if you want I can take you?"                                                                                                   I look the motorcycle up and down slowly.. "Will I die"                                                                                         She chuckles loudly, "Of course it's safe. Hop on!!"

I slowly get on the back off the death machine and grip my arms around Katya's waist firmly and she sets off. We start talking and it turns out we have A LOT in common, I've never laughed so hard in my entire life. I hop off in front of school and thank her she replies your welcome and winks. Oh god I'm blushing again, I smile and walk away. Best ride too school ever.

Katya's POV -

I just dropped Trixie off at school, I could barely keep my cool. She's so gorgeous it hurts, and kind and thoughtful and a good listener and literally perfect.. Oh god Ginger is coming.... 

Ginger thinks we are soulmates, I talk to somebody else and she gets super jealo-

G: HEY KATYA? Why didn't you pick me up today?                                                                                                  K: Oh hey Ginger.. Sorry I took Trixie to school today.                                                                                            G: So you're replacing me?? I thought I was your bestfriend..?                                                                          K: Umm. Oh yeah, I promise you are it was just a one time thing okay!!

She nods and we both walk too class...


hey guys its abigail! sorry this is the first fic ive ever wrote so feel free to say what you thought and how i can improve tysm!!

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