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Trixie's POV-

I'm in maths right now, I hate to admit it but I adore maths. Nothing could break my focus and I'm so good at i-

Katya: "Hey Trix, could I borrow a ruler? Mine snapped"

I blush at the nickname and hand her a ruler while nodding. I just get lost in her deep blue eyes... They're so perfect and pretty like her, she'd never love anyone like me.. 

Katya: "Uhh, Trixie?"

Shit I was staring.

"Oh sorry! Here you go" I say with a huge smile, she thanks me and turns back around. There's a huge party tonight I should ask her if she is going..

"Hey, Kats?" I whisper,

"Yeah?" She replies while turning around. "Oh, I was just wondering if your going to Tatianna's party tonight?" she smiles faintly and questions "Are you gonna be there?" I nod my head slowly and she replies "Then so will I." Oh god, I'm blushing..


She winks at me then leaves the classroom.

Katya's POV:

I catch myself accidentally staring and the table of 'popular girls'. Trixie, Kim-Chi, Tatianna, Gigi, Nicky and Alaska. Ginger sees this and hits me.

"Her again? Seriously?" She says. "What?" I ask, confused. "Miss little Trixie Mattel who you cant seem to stop staring at." I apologise and ask Ginger if she's going to the party, she nods and I tell her I'll pick her up at 6:30PM. 

We start walking to class and Trixie walks up to us, she greets us nicely and ginger rolls her eyes. "Ginger stop being rude, hey Trix!" Ginger gasps when she heard me call her Trix since she knows I don't do nicknames. "Hey guys!" Trixie says, "Kats, I was wondering if you wanted to take me too the party at Tati's?" Before Ginger could speak I agree and make arrangements.

"Well what the fuck was that" Ginger asks me. "Sorry Ginger, I totally forgot. I'll make it up to you later okay?" I promise her then walk away excitedly.


Hey everyone!!! It's Abigail, I'm so sorry for the slow updates I've been so busy but I'll start updating more.

This is my first fanfic so sorry if there's anything wrong with is make sure to tell me! Tysm for reading <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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