chapter 7

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I walk to the door and open it and I'm met with someone that I never wanted to see again.

"Hello Louis"

Tw: self harm

Louis' pov

"Dad? What are you doing here?" my hands start shaking at the sight of him.

"what? Can't I visit my son?" He gives me an evil smile.

"You made it pretty clear that I'm not your son... I remember you clearly saying 'get the fuck out of my house you gross piece of shit you are no son of mine' or did you forget it old man?" I cross my arms proud of the confidence I suddenly had.

My dad's face twisted into an angry frown "Don't you dare talk to me like that you fag! Show respect to the people that are worth more then you!"

"You know honestly fuck you" I try slamming the door close but my dad puts his foot between it before screaming "God damn it that fucking hurts! Listen to me boy!" he pushes the door open and pushes me against the wall "Let the fuck go of me!" I trash in his arms trying to free myself "You disgust me! To think that you're my fucking son is unbelievable! You're not worth life you fag!" He raises his hand and I brace myself for the pain but it never comes, instead he lets go of me.

I open my eyes to see Niall holding him down "Louis call the police right now!" I shake my head "N-no Niall he's still my dad" Niall huff and pulls my dad from the ground and kicks him out of the house "Never come here again you fucker!" and then closes the door.

Niall and I moved to my bed where we cuddled close while I cry.

"Why didn't you call the police?" Niall brushes my hair out of my face gently.

"He's my dad... I can't do that to him Nini" I huff out, Honestly I should have turned him in years ago but I just couldn't. I can't betray family like that, I know that he's only like this since mom passed away. It's not his fault. He might not a good dad but he's not a monster.

"You're too nice sometimes Lou" I shrug.

"I got my job back though" Niall smiled at me and said that he was happy for me after that we stopped talking and fell asleep while cuddling.


Next morning


I was nervously standing in front of the school, what if Harry will yell at me again or what if it was just a big joke so that he could laugh at me?

I was about to go back to my car when an arm is put over my shoulder making me jump slightly "Hey calm down its just me" Liam says with the biggest smile on his face "Glad to have you back Lou! Let me walk you to your classroom!" I was about to say something when he starts pulling me into the school and to my classroom, he opens the door and pushes me in before walking off.

"what a strange guy" I mumble "He definitely is" I once again jump and look to my right to see Harry leaning against the wall "w-what are you doing here?" He shrugs slightly "I came to make sure you where doing ok with the whole coming back thing" I nod and put my stuff on my desk before turning back to Harry.

Harry's pov

I can't help but smile once Louis enters the room with a cute look on his face- WAIT WHAT NO I did not just think that oh my god I'm losing it.

"w-what are you doing here?" Think Harry think what do you say that doesn't sound creepy or gay, You are not gay styles. Only for Louis. NO

My hands start sweating "I came to make sure you where doing ok with the whole coming back thing" Well played Styles I mentally give myself a shoulder pat.

Louis turns back to me and I take in his outfit "You look u-nice" Louis frowns but then mumbles out a small thanks. The thing is he looks better then nice he looks unbelievable! Those green pants hug his th- Styles behave!

I want to punch the little me in my brain for thinking this way. I just can't being gay is gross and wrong. "I-I need to go!" I don't wait for Louis to say anything before running out of his classroom.

I get to my office and crash into my chair with a huff, Tears brim in my eyes but I don't let them fall "You can't be weak Styles! You're strong and definitely not gay" I unbuckle my belt and take my pants off so my thighs are exposed, I grab the little raiser blade that I always keep in my desk and run it over my already very scarred thighs.

"You are not gay"

"You are not weak"

"You like woman"

"You are not a fag"

The voice of my dad runs through my head, all the years in the conversion therapy run through my head.

I finally put away the little blade and clean my thighs before pulling my pants up again. I look over to my clock to see that it's close to lunch time. I let my head fall to my desk "You are fucked Styles!"

Short chapter sorry not sorry


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