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It's been two months since we filed the lawsuit against my father. The slow crawl of legal justice and finality was grueling. But the end finally came.

My father was charged with assault, kidnapping, domestic violence, abuse embezzlement, and blackmailing. In court, we presented the jury with documented evidence of his illegal business dealings and the footage of my Grandfather being imprisoned and driven mad. The absolute devastation on my father's face when he didn't realize I had so much evidence against him was priceless. In its own way, it still hurts to see him get in so much trouble. I guess that part of me wished he was a better person, a good father. But he wasn't.

The jury ruled him guilty of all crimes, and has been sentenced twenty-five to life. Maybe, if he gets parole in twenty-five years, he will have learned something valuable. He won't have the motivation to do the misdeeds any longer considering Grandma gained ownership of his business assets and liquidated all of them, after paying back those who deserved their money, of course. For the businesses that had no evidence of malpractice, they were simply sold so that none of us had to continue his business. No one in the family has the desire to continue his legacy, and he shouldn't either.

After everything was said and done, Grandma distributed equal amounts of remaining profit to Mom, Kaitlyn, and me. It was a sumptuous amount, needless to say. Liam and I didn't know how to react. Neither of us have ever had this much money to our name before, and additionally, I reacquired access to my personal bank account. It had a hefty balance as well.

Liam and I bought a house in the outskirts of Toronto, nearly equidistant to Kaitlyn's house and Manny's house. It's something we are both very grateful to call ours. I also insisted on paying off the remaining balance of Manny's home and diner bills, and we paid off his and Pearl's bank debts. They couldn't be more grateful, but I didn't do it for praise. They did so much for Liam and I in our time of need, and we have more money than we know what to do with. So naturally, we want to help our family. Kaitlyn and I spent some time in jewelry stores during our retail therapy sessions, and I found something perfect for Liam. I just don't know when I should give it to him.

The rest of the money is in my savings account, where it will stay unless we absolutely need it. Right now, we can afford our bills by working at the diner, which I've found to be one of my favorite things about daily life. Manny let's me run the register now, which he called a promotion, but I know it's only because he got his best chef back. Liam, of course, is the head chef of the kitchen. I keep getting in trouble for leaving the register unattended to see what he's up to.

Manny really wanted to open up a second location to boost revenue and have more financial security, so I offered to help him search for and pay for a new building in Toronto. He, of course, accepted the offer only as a loan and promised to pay back the amount of the location. We found the perfect place, a recently closed restaurant in the middle of a strip of other food joints. He wants me and Liam to run it for him, and hire more employees as well. I realize that I carry my father's positive business traits into my own work ethic, and I'll strive to be better than him in every way. A short three months of renovation at the new building are underway, and until then, it's business as usual for the most part.

Kaitlyn and Andrew finally got to meet Manny and Pearl, and they hit it off great. We had a fantastic night at Kate's house last month during the court proceedings, which was good for everyone. It got our minds off of the entire thing, and I cherish that time together, seeing my two worlds finally mesh so well. Pearl garnered an obsession with Polly by playing dress up with her, and Manny told her not to get baby fever. I think they'd be the perfect parents, though.

It's the dawn of a beautiful Friday morning, and I'm sitting in a hammock in the backyard of our house. We moved in just four days ago, and it's so perfect. Liam and I are already making great memories here. It's too cold to swim, so we haven't broken in the pool yet, but it exists which is cool. It's a three floor house, which is more than I ever expected to own personally.

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