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This story began when I was eighteen, still a senior in high school. I lost interest and motivation in it, and had ultimately given up after two or three chapters. When I began college, I gained motivation for it again, and then I dropped out of school altogether. I don't blame writing on killing my drive in school at all, it's just how I am. Some people can't juggle everything at once.

I'm one of those people.

I'm twenty-one now, and my life has changed drastically. I've went through a lot in three years. Lost friends, changed pace, learned a lot about myself. One thing never changed: how much I truly cared about writing. Especially this story. Something in the Water is so fucking special to me. It helped me express a lot of things I've been feeling for these three years, at least metaphorically. I want you to know that, past and future me. Also, to anyone who has reached the end and is bothering to read this afterword.

I put so much of my soul into my writing, and a LOT of it went into Cade and Liam. The family they develop, the betrayal they experience, the bond they share. It's valuable. It's fictional, but to me, it's as concrete as my own body. I love them more than words can describe.

Thank you so much for reading my story. I hope it inspired you, or touched your heart, mind, or soul. Or maybe you just thought it was okay. Either way. Thanks for even giving it a shot. I appreciate it.

This has been Something in the Water. I love you.

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