three ━━ a human's greatest fear

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CHAPTER THREE: a human's greatest fear

CHAPTER THREE: a human's greatest fear

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❛ silence is 𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙡𝙮 ❜

     HER SECRET WAS out quicker than she anticipated. The Joker had died just a few hours before he was found, leaving her with no possible way to get out of the mess that she created. There was no way she could lie now, it was far too late, especially when she had dashed to her room not long after they realized what she had done. She heard someone coming after her as her hands glided across the smooth railing and then the rough door as she shoved it open. Right as she went to shut the door, determined to block the rest of the world out, a slightly tan hand grabbed the doorknob on the other side and fought against her.

     "June," Artemis began softly, her eyes showing no signs of disappointment or hate. "June, let me in, okay? No one else is here it's just me." The said girl stopped pushing so hard but still tried, her lip quivering as her sounds of pain fell silent on their ears. "It's just me and you, I promise."

     Promises seemed so worthless. There was no point in making them because one way or another, they were broken and discarded. Promises caused more pain than anyone deserved. Filling someone with false hope was as cruel as stabbing them through the chest. In a way, it was basically the same thing. And she did not want any promises, not even small ones. They gave her hope, brought out her optimistic side and the last thing she deserved was happiness.

     She released her death grip on the door and let the woman push it open the rest of the way, shutting it closed behind her. She managed to get a glance into the hallway and saw that there really was no one else with her, meaning that they all must be in the living room still, discussing what they had just found out. Well, she could sense them down there still, but it was hard to tell how many or if someone had left. That was just the thing, everything was quiet. She despised that.

     Silence was unsettling.

     Juniper wanted nothing more than to slither back into her bed and hide underneath the blankets. But instead she drifted over to her window, hovering over the ground for moment before she fell back down, her tear-stained cheeks moving to form a grimace. She shut the blinds, bringing her hands to her face, starting to shake with great intensity. The air shifted behind her.

     "It is going to be okay," Artemis whispered.

     Why would you lie?

     "Everything will be okay."

     Please stop.

     "I know that it was an accident. I'm sure they do too."

     No, no they don't.

ONCE UPON A DREAM ─ jason toddWhere stories live. Discover now