Six chapter

291 11 0

Victorio P.O.V.

~Saturday evening (party) ~

We stopped in front of the club which was located in the basement of one of the popular hotels. There was a convoy of vehicles in front.I'm sure it's crowded inside.The panic has already started to catch me slowly, as always when I ended up in places like this.I knew that everyone would leave me and that I would end up alone in a corner or who knows where. I don't even know why I come with them. Sometimes I hate being such a good person.

LUCAS:"I have a feeling this is going to be a good party."

JACK:"Let's go inside."

ALANN:"What kind of music do you play at all?"

LUCAS:"Today's trends.Rap and other things you can dance with."

ALANN:"Oh God ..."

LUCAS:"What are you listening to?I can play you a that song later."

ALANN:"I don't know right now.I'll tell you when I think."

JACK:"Let's go"

We slowly went inside and some electronic music was already ringing. I hate these places. The smell of alcohol and smoke hit me in the face.I want home...

LUCAS:"I'm finishing my shift at two. I'll call you, so we'll have a drink."


JUCK:"Good luck."

Lucas nodded and ran to his seat. It was dark inside and the only light was produced by a disco ball.
We took a seat and ordered drinks, and Lucas played a song which I didn't recognize.We all started drinking.

JACK:"I love Lucas' parties."

ALANN: "It's not exactly the place I'd choose, but it can pass."

JACK: "And look around you,bro.Look at all those asses in skirts dancing."

ALANN:"Well....definitely an advantage"

JACK:"You need more energy,I cam see...As soon as we drink a few drinks, I'll have to find us a party for tonight."

ALANN:"It looks like you'll be able to choose"

JACK:"Girls are so good at parties"

ALANN:"Does we have to have fun with the girls?"

JACK:"Ofcourse. My record is six in one night."

They started laughing and for the next hour they made jokes and comments on the girls around us.As usual, I dropped out of the conversation. What am I supposed to say?I'm not someone who will get up, draw all the attention to himself and look for a girl for a bed.

At that moment,Jack did the unexpected.

He invited five girls to our table. God, I just hope none of them come to me. There's no way I could satisfy any of these girls. Neither I want to!

They were all beautiful girls in provocative clothes. Two sat on Jack's lap and the other two on Alann's side. The fifth girl headed towards me. She had a perverted smile on her face. She sat on my lap, so she looked at my face.God,no...Please leave. I'm not interested. I dontt like boobs.

GIRL:"Hello, baby"

She put her hands on my shoulder and brought her head closer. I couldn't see what Jack and Alann were doing, but I could guess.

Suddenly she started kissing me passionately and dragging her hands under my clothes. I can't have sex with her. I can't take off my clothes in front of her.It's impossible for her not to see the scars on my body.No.There's no way that's going to happen. This wouldn't turn me on never. I we end up in the room,she will need a five minutes to understand that I'm gay.

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