Ig im just to tough to cry

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I woke up Gabriel was still asleep might as well go check on everybody else I walk to the door open it go downstairs I walk to the back room like 4 people were in there and I went back up stairs to check the extra bedrooms every one was asleep then I thought a crazy idea since there was a breeze outside I wanna get in the hot tub with cloth on my dumb ass is gonna do it I close the door to the bedroom I was looking at walk down stairs open the doors to the back go outside then close them go to the hot tub take my slides off put my phone on do not disturb and get in the warm water touching my skin I feel relax I get in all the way and put my head back and let out a sigh

1 hour or so

I was falling asleep and I was craving sausage with syrup I got out feeling so cold soaked and wet leaving prints on the floor every were I got to the room trew my cloths off and hopped in the shower my baby bump was big big like it was gonna pop out I put shampoo in my hair and started rubbing it in till Gabriel walked in
Gabriel:why is there wet cloths on the floor
You:it's mine I was in the hot tub
Gabriel:with cloths
You:um yeah but I'm craving sausages with syrup
Gabriel:u got my sausage and now look at u
U gave him a death stare
Gabriel:I'm just playin I'll cook u some breakfast
You:can u go put that cloths in the dirty laundry
You:and can u bring me my robe
He left and came back and hooked it on I washed the shampoo out and put conditioner and washed it out and washed my body and got out and put my robe on and walked down stairs it smelled like sausage u walked to the kitchen and sat at the table scrolling on tiktok he gave me my plate I took a bite out of my sausage I swapped it then I started getting a sharp pain in my stomach it was hurting like really bad then I heard water hit the floor shutup  I looked down
Omg omg a whole kid is gonna come outta my cooch omg omg
Gabriel:oh fuck LESLIE GET ME THE BAG NOW okay baby let go to the car
He started heliping me walk to the car the fact that I had to leave my food there is sad then and the "BAG" is the bag I take when I pop this baby out  I heard the back door open it was lily and Luke they had the bag and everything
Gabriel:okay hold on baby
He started driving to the hospital the fact I wanted this bitch out of me omg I jus wanna rip it out
Once we got there it was a full house
Gabriel:help help my wife is in labor
Nobody answered
He pulled his gun out and shot the roof
A male nurse walked up
Gabriel:no I need female
???:sir I ca-
Gabriel:give me a fucking female doctor
???:okay Angie take them to 106 and get him 3 female doctors
A female doctor came with a wheel chair and Gabriel pushed me all the way there they took my cloths off and put me in a gown at this point I was screaming
You:omg I'm scared a kid is gonna come out of my vagina omg
Gabriel chuckled tf is he laughing for I'm the on that has to do the work
Gabriel:hello why haven't u don't nth
?!!:we have to wait a minute to even do anything
A min passed here we go gonna have to push this bitch out omg I was holding Gabriel hand digging my nails in him
???:okay give me a good push
Okay whoooo I pushed so hard I felt like I was gonna fart
???:now give me 2 good pushes
I was sweating I felt like dying there now and then
I pushed and felt something come out
You:what was that
???:the head come on u can do it ur almost there now give me your all and don't stop
You:ahhhhhh I'm in pain
???:your almost there
???:come on
???:here he comes
???:he out
I let out a sigh my cooch hurts bitch oh god


I want drama in this book the the baby has to come out already I can't wait bye whores

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