Yo shorty trippen

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I woke up to flashlight I looked it was the boys
You:wth are y'all doing
Jesus:okay guys whatever you do, do not answer
I ran to the door
You:delete those now
Jay:delete what
Jesus:jay I told you not to answer
He woke up
Victor:huh what
You:they took pictures of us sleeping
Victor:bruh wtf why
Manolo:cuz actually Idk
Victor:delete them
Manolo:since when were y'all a thing
Victor:shut up and delete the pictures
Jesus:okay fine we only took them on my phone here delete them yourself
He said handing his phone to me
You:I still wanna check ur phones
Jay:okay here
I looked and there was nothing
You:and how did y'all even get in I locked the door
Manolo:it wasn't but I thought you were ma-
You:stfu and get out tell this to anyone and your asses are dead I said opening the door and they all got out and I made sure I locked the door and layed back down then once again I was drifting off to sleep till victor got up
You:were are you going
Victor:my sisters house
You:when are u coming back
Victor:mmm prob around 10
You:okay bye
He said and left then the boys walked in
You:what do u want now
Jay:but ay I gotta ask how did y'all click so well
You:he's my ex okay get out
manolo:okay fine
They got out and finally I can go to sleep I drifted off to sleep

I woke up and I was in a different room then junior walked
You:omg I missed you so much
Junior:mommy I miss you please come back daddy needs help with me and you know that
You:wait what do u mean u miss me I'm right here baby
Junior:no mommy look
He pointed at a mirror and I was invisible then I got out the room and saw Gabriel in the kitchen drinking
You:Amor you can't drink so much
He didn't reply
You:Gabe stop u know that's bad for you
He wouldn't turn around and look at me like I'm INVISIBLE oh no I went in front of him he was lookin at a picture of me and him
You:I'm right here listen to me
Junior:mommy he needs your help
You:shhhh baby go back upstairs
You:hey listen to me look at me
He wouldn't look at me
He started throwing stuff everywhere
You:calm down hello listen to
Gabriel:your not here Maria stop acting like ur here
He finally reply then everything started shaking

I woke up trying to catch my breath
You:omg calm down it's not real calm down it was just a dream
I got up going down stairs everyone was in the living room but mar and samy
You:weres samy and mar
Josie:they went to the store
Devy:you should diy your hair
You:oh yeah vi-Yeah Jesus told me that to right
I said starring him down
Chellissa:hey maybe u should go green
You:that a ugly color oh and can one of y'all call mar tell him to get pickles a big jar
Then victor walked in and I went to the kitchen and then he walked in the kitchen
You:it's barely 9 u said u were coming home around 10
Victor:yeah but I missed you
He said kissing my neck
You:can we do this later
Victor:yeah no problem
Then the guys walked in finally they put the groceries on the table and I started looking for the pickles I got them and brang them up to the counter
You:open this for me
Victor:and u still like pickles huh
He opened it and I grabbed one and took a bite
Victor:I see you still like pickles huh
You:um duh
Samy:ohh I see u met victor
You:yeah he's pretty decent
I said grabbing another pickle
Then samy and Vic were talking and Jesus went up to mar whispering sum in his ear then mar looked up at me and u just gave him a what are u looking at face then he told me to come here
Mar:why'd u do that
You:cuz u were looking at me
Mar:can I ask were have you been sleeping these nights
Oh shit

Bruh wait so like who's side are y'all on Mars or gabes

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