The special present.

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Komaru's eyes then suddenly widened. "Wait... Toko. I wanted to ask you something."

"Well what is it?" Toko said in an slightly exuberant tone.

"What did you do with the cookies that looked like us?" Komaru asked her.

Toko then let go of Komaru. "Oh... Those? Don't worry about them. I put them somewhere for us to have later on. If anyone ate those then I'd probably have 'her' do the work on giving them what they deserve. Yeah sure, it sounds violent, but those cookies are for us weither everyone likes it or not."

"Thank goodness." Komaru sighed in relief.

They went to the central area of the Christmas Eve festival holding hands and then all of a sudden they heard footsteps coming towards them. Why. It was Chihiro. She wanted to compliment them on their performance.

"Hey guys." She said exuberantly. Komaru looks at Chihiro.

Hey little girl. Is there something you need?" Komaru said to her.

Chihiro smiles with excitement. "I watched your puppet show! I thought it was really adorable and important as well. After I did, I was really happy from watching it so I wanted to tell you guys how happy you made me." "Awww. Thanks. We did work hard. Right Toko?" Komaru said proudly looking to her. "W-well of course we d-did. It was obviously your idea." Toko stuttered in shyness. Chihiro waved them goodbye after that. "Come on Toko, maybe we can go outside and watch the fire works." Komaru offered her. "S-sure. Whatever. Just don't have us freezing to death when go out got it?" Toko said to her. "Okie dokie." Komaru said as she took Toko's hand and opened one of the doors to go outside together. They saw fire works shooting up in the sky with sparks of silver, gold, red, and green. The stars were shining as the moonlight struck the snow. "Here. Take these. I'd be a problem if your hands were all cold and numb." Komaru said as she pulled out a pair of warm red gloves for Toko. "It's about time you pulled those out, my hands are freezing." Toko says as she took the gloves and put them on. "Thanks." She said smiling affectionately.

"No problem." Komaru replied.

They both stared up at the sky for a while watching the fire works. Toko's eyes widened a bit and she told Komaru that she was going to go back inside to get something. As soon as she came out and back to Komaru, she revealed a small container that she soon opened in front of her.

"The cookies!" Komaru cheered as she saw them.

"Yeah. Thank God no one stole them." Toko explained in relief

"Wanna eat them now?" Komaru asked

"Uh... Sure. I...guess we could eat them now. Which one do you want."

"I want the one that looks like you of course."

"You know for some reason I was expecting you'd say that." Toko said handing Komaru the cookie that looked like herself. Toko took the cookie that looked like Komaru.

"Okay. On the count of three?" Komaru asked her.

"Sure." Toko responded.

Komaru started the count. "One."

"Two." Toko said following along.

"Three" they both said simultaneously and then bit in to the cookies. They both definitely felt the sugary sweetness rush around them and give them energy.

"These are actually pretty good." Toko said in a surprise.

"Yeah. These are delicious." Komaru said with her mouth full.

"Ugh. Mind swallowing your food first before talking. Please." Toko said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Oh. Sorry." Komaru said after swallowing the food.
They sat out a little bit longer before they decided to head home. When they left, they were tuckered out but they still got ready for bed. They slept together until Christmas morning. Komaru didn't know that her parents were home at the time, they didn't mind her having Toko over for a sleepover and Christmas. Makoto also came home as well. Although it was barely midnight when he had made it there. Everyone went to sleep after Toko and Komaru did. They all dreamed until sunrise. Komaru's eyes flutter open. She suddenly sees the bright daylight shining through the blinds of her window as she rubs her eyes. "It's Christmas." She murmmurs to herself. She looks over to see that Toko is still asleep. She then put her hand softly on her shoulder and started to rub it in order for her to wake up. It was a little bit until Toko felt Komaru's hand on her shoulder, her eyes opened halfway. "O... Omaru?" She said softly as she started to wake up.

"Hey. Guess what Toko." Komaru whispered excitedly.


"It's Christmas morning!"


"And we gotta open presents! Come on!" Komaru hopped out of bed like a happy child ready to shake her own parents out of bed for Christmas.

Toko got up a little faster than she usually would, and followed Komaru out of her room and into her parents.

"Mommy daddy! Wake up! We gotta open Christmas presents!" Komaru chanted.

Her mother looked at her and said. "Alright sweetheart. Is Makoto home yet?"

"W-we can check" Toko answered her for Komaru. Komaru's parents got up out of bed and Komaru and Toko ran down the stairs and to the tree.

"Oh. T-Toko. I didn't expect that you would be here for this year's Christmas." Someone said to them. It was Makoto.

"Y-yeah. I-is that a problem?" Toko asked with slight irritation.

"No no. It's ok. In fact, I think it's awesome to have one of my classmates over for Christmas! Right Komaru?" Makoto said looking to her.

"Yeah. I think that's amazing!"

Their parents came downstairs.

"Ok you guys. Who's ready to open presents." Komaru and Makoto's dad said enthusiastically.

"I am!" Komaru, Makoto, and Toko said together simultaneously.

"Alright then. Let's get-"

The sound of the doorbell had cut Komaru and Makoto's dad's sentence off. Toko then got up from sitting down near the Christmas tree and went over to open the door. No one was there to what she saw after she had opened it. Toko then looked down to her feet and then she saw a small package. She picked it up and then she read that it came from the community festival with a piece of paper taped on it with the words thank you written on the package. Toko's eyes widened at the box and ran back inside. "Omaru!" She called. Komaru got up and walked over to Toko. "What happened?" Komaru asked her. "They gave us something!" "Wait?! You mean the community festival?" "Exactly who else. Now come on we gotta get it open!" Toko said as she put the box on the ground and started to frantically attempt to peel the tape off. "Nggh this isn't working" she muttered to herself. "Wait don't overwork yourself about it. Maybe we can get dad to help." Komaru said as she went over to her dad. Her father then came in the room with a pocket knife and cut through the tape on the box until he could fully get it open. "Omaru what's in the box!?" Toko said right after her dad got the box open. Komaru reached in slowly and pulled out what it appeared to be, two dolls that looked really similar to the puppets they made. Komaru smiled because of how cute it was. Toko then saw a piece of paper in the remains of the box and then pulled it out. She went over to Komaru to take a look at the dolls. "That's a little creepy on how they managed to get us that accurately. Well Whatever, it's still a cute gift you could say." Toko said to Komaru. "Yeah. Now we really can have each other inside our hearts. Even when we're not near each other." Komaru responded. Toko then gave her the piece of paper. "Here I found this." She said as Komaru grabbed it from her.

Komaru then started to read. "Dear miss Naegi and Fukawa. We wanted to credit you on your determination and strength to put on a show and portray something that people can not so easily. Your message was sent strong by the ways you guys were speaking behind the stage, and we wanted to let you know that many people were talking about how your performance was adorable and good. So in this case. We wanted to give you something in return for it. Keep spreading the word and you will make great things happen. Sincerely, the employees at Lotus Fruit community center. Wow. So they gave this to us as a Christmas present."

"I guess I'll take this, hold on to it, and start watching you open the other presents."

"Awww come on, I bet there's a few for you under the tree as well. If not then you can open them with me"

"Ok fine... But this better not be labor." Toko said rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry." Komaru says to her. "I promise we will make this a great Christmas for us." She said.


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