Set up.

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"A-are you sure that making these puppets on our own is really worth it? I mean for all I know we could just go to some stupid toy store and see if they have anything there."
Toko said as she was still trying to figure out getting the thread in the needle. Komaru looked up at her from one of the puppets she was almost done sewing together and said to her. "Of course. At least... That's what I think. Plus, you always wanted ways to figure out how we could spend more time together. Right?"
"Well yeah. Just... I didn't think we'd be doing something like this. I was just thinking... Well more like walking around the area together like we always did ever since we first met. N-not making these puppets and h-having me only know at least a quarter of what you're planning!"
Toko was getting frustrated at herself as she was still failing to get the thread and needle together, "Mnngh. How do you even do this!" She muttered to herself in irritation.
"Wait wait. It's ok calm down. Here, let me come over and help you out. Ok?" Komaru said as she got up and walked over to Toko. Komaru eyed the needle and thread very closely and slowly and steadily, put the thread through and tied it up. "There! Now you can start sewing." She said after doing so. Toko had her eyes down at her lap and Komaru realized that she was Shivering a good bit. "Is everything ok?" Komaru asked Toko. "Yeah," she replies "i-it's just freezing in h-here."

"Oh. Hold on, maybe I can get you something-"

"I-I'm okay! J-just go back to what you were doing." Toko stammered interrupting Komaru. Komaru put on a little bit of cheeky face as she went out of the living room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Toko looked up and started to get a slight bit worried over how she just yelled at her just now. She got up and went up the stairs only to see if Komaru was crying or something like that. "Hey. Are you in there?"
Toko asked hesitantly.
Suddenly the door opened and Komaru hugged Toko whilst wrapping a soft red blanket around her.
"GYAHH!" Toko screamed she loses her balance and falls down with Komaru being dragged along in the fall. Komaru gets off of her immediately. "S-sorry. I just didn't want you to be cold and uncomfortable." Komaru apologized in a bit of embarrassment. Toko sighed as she wrapped herself up in the blanket while Komaru helped her up. "God... Don't scare me like that Omaru. I thought I told you I'm not into surprises."
"Oh... Yeah. I forgot about that." Komaru replies in disappointment at herself. "Come on. Let's just head back downstairs and get this over with." Toko says to her. They walk back downstairs and both continued to create the puppets for the show Komaru had planned out. Toko helped Komaru write the script for each character. And Komaru herself thought of the designs for the puppets by referencing on Pinterest and other websites that display fun DIY projects.
They sewed and tried to think of settling topics such as Christmas movies they watched together, or baking things. "Akari's done!" Komaru said as she held up the finely sewn puppet. Toko looked up and smiled at the design of it.

"She's actually... kinda cute looking like that." Toko said happily to her.

"Aw thanks." Komaru says putting the puppet down. Then she gasped as an idea plummets in the center of her mind. "Maybe we could make Christmas cookies for the festival together!" She said to Toko with excitement.

"Oh. Uh, I'm not too sure about that." Toko said nervously. "Aw come on. Please? I'll make sure we help each other all the way through." Komaru said in determination. Toko lost her train of thought for a moment, until she thought about something rather positive and interesting about baking cookies. She smiled a little bit mischievously. "Ok. Maybe just this one time." She said giggling. Toko then got up and put the puppet down as she went and took Komaru's hand and walked into the kitchen together. Komaru was getting really excited about baking the cookies. She bought what one could say a little too many items to make all sorts of flavors and types of cookies. She hurriedly got out the ingredients- and yes, every single darn bit of what she bought which put toko in a surprise- and put them on the table as Toko grabbed out the pans, and plugged in the mixing bowl. While Komaru started looking at each recipe she had down. Peanut butter blossoms, Sugar cookies, Double Fudge, Gingerbread, original chocolate chip and a few more she had collected.

"We're not making all of that. Are we?" Toko said in a slight bit of disapproval.

"Hmmmm. Well I was thinking we could do a little tonight so I could make less tommorow. That's ok right?" Komaru asked.

Toko answered. "Yeah. Just don't get too hooked up."

"Alright then! Let's do this!" Komaru shouted as she started to open up the packs of sugar and flour. She measured things carefully as Toko had the easy part of cracking the eggs. Komaru took care of the powdered substances because she didn't want Toko to sneeze in the middle of it. Things could go down the wrong way if that happened. After all of the base was done, Toko turned on the mixer as it startled her a little bit with the loud noise it made. They watched for a moment in amusement as the machine was mixing and twirling the batter. Now what was left for this was just to add more flour to the batter in order to make it more of a solidified substance required for cookie dough. Toko pinched a little bit first and then all of a sudden flicked it at Komaru's face near the bowl. "Pffft- H-hey! What was that for?" Komaru said laughing a bit.

"I don't know. Just wanted to tease you I guess." Toko giggled. "Oh. Tease me? Ok then." Komaru pinched some flour without thinking twice and blew it off her hands into Toko's face. Toko swiped her hands around the small cloud of flour and snickered a bit. But... She felt like she was going to sneeze with the tickle her nose got from it. It was at this moment that Komaru realized...she messed up. "Achoo!" Toko let out. Komaru's eyes widened a bit as she frantically finished up making the dough, turned off the machine, and put her- well rather at least tried to, put her hand on Toko's shoulder. But of course Toko wasn't in there anymore. As she tumbled over after being alarmed by a psychopathic laugh. Ah yes. Syo was in the party. "Hey Komaru! Watcha up to eh? I gotcha good didn't I!?" Syo put her hand on her hip smiling to her. Komaru got up and said nervously. "Well... I was making Sugar cookies with Toko... But then we blew flour in each other's faces." "Woah! How much did you guys use how many cookies are ya planning on baking tonight?" "Well... we were just playing around a bit. We only used a pinch of the flour when we blew it in our faces. But we can make as many as we want. Toko and I planned on just a couple batches for tonight." "Are you kiddin' me a couple batches?" "Y-yeah. Is it too much?" "Too much my butt. Come on, we're baking as many of these little suckers as we can!" "Really!?" "Yes really it's a festival we all headin' to!" Syo laughed out as she started running and looking around for anything missing. She stumbled upon the recipe list and got really excited over how many different batches and flavors it had on it. Komaru never thought that Syo would agree to making cookies with her. But apparently, this made her really happy. She got the dough out of the bowl as Syo got out the cookie cutters. Komaru flattened the dough and then all of a sudden Syo had already started on making one of the other sugar cookie batches. Something told Komaru was using the cookie cutter. Syo got out the dough and all of a sudden pulled out a pair of her scissors. "Woah wait! Wait!" Komaru stammered. Syo immediately looked up at Komaru. "What, what, what's the problem?" She asked her. "Why are you using the scissors? I thought you got out the cookie cutters." "It's too casual. Duh. Now watch this!" Syo immediately started tracing and making a couple really funky shapes in the dough. After she pulled up the dough to reveal her creation, her smile turned from excited and insane to an affectionate and warm one. "Perfect." She whispered to herself. Something about what Syo was doing told Komaru that it was going to be a long night.

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