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Word Count: 2262

My mother is waiting in the main entrance the moment Lei and I step inside.

The house is dressed up beautifully, strangers stalking about moving decorations and furniture, hanging lights from the already extravagant ceiling. Mother has been holding balls in our home every year since I was a child, desiring above anything else to impress the other wealthy families in our area.

My birth mother chose well to leave me on her doorstep, being lucky that she even wanted to adopt me into her life. My adoptive mother who stands in front of me has led an independent life since he own birth, having never had a partner or any children.

Well, until me, of course.

"The place looks wonderful, mother," I say as she advances on us. The main foyer is only half-way established, mother deciding on a silver and white theme this year. I can only imagine what the actual ballroom looks like.

"You should be upstairs curling your hair," she scolds, looking over me as I pull my winter hat off.

I sigh as she fusses with my coat buttons for a moment before smoothing my hair down. Mother loves my red hair, often saying she wishes should could trade her golden brown locks for mine. I've always desired hers and how she smooths it back into a bun behind her hair everyday.

"Anything else?" I ask, smiling wryly at her. She rolls her eyes at me, finally stepping back.

"I left your dress upstairs on your bed," she tells me, glancing at my friend beside me. "Leilira's too."

"This is why I love you, Mrs. Rivia," Lei grins, giving my mother a brief hug before following me up the stairs.

Staff pass us by, arms heaving with furniture at decorations, paying us no mind. These events are no longer fun, but since I still live my mother, it gives her the right to dress me up and show me off to all of her other wealthy friends. Lei and I attempt to make it light-hearted each year...I can't imagine how we are going to pull that off this time.

Stepping into my room, I close the door, blocking out the curious eyes that linger in as strangers pass by. Lei approaches the bed, picking up the dresses mother has left for us.

One of them catches my eye, making me frown.

"Black? There's no way," I mutter, walking over to take it into my hand. The silken fabric glides through my finger as I check the size to make sure it's mine. Sure enough, it is, although the neckline makes me nervous, cut far lower than what I'm used to wearing. It's pretty, simple yet like nothing I've seen before.

"It's kind of a sexy..." Lei murmurs, testing the fabric between her fingers. "Your mother must have hired someone to pick it out."

"This isn't her taste at all. Maybe she is finally listening to me," I grin, holding it up against my body, glancing at myself in the mirror. I can only imagine what this will look like with my dark red hair and dark eyes.

Usually my mother prefers conservative, pretty dresses that don't compliment my figure very much, which I've never complained about. It seems for once she realises I'm an adult and I can wear clothing like this without feeling any shame.

"She just doesn't want us to make a scene like we do at every one of her balls," Lei comments, picking up her own dress. It's a light, pastel blue, which I can tell doesn't impress Lei much, but she never complains about my mother giving her all the free things that she does.

"I'm surprised she hasn't locked us up here and thrown away the key yet," I say, falling onto my duvet, letting the plush fabric surround me.

Lei raises her eyebrow at me. "Let's not push our luck."

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