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Female reader


     You let out a soft sigh as you sat on the edge of your bed. College had killed you today with the 4 projects you had to present. You quickly took your hair out of its messy bun and began to tug on your shirts hem when you heard a small thump against your window. You let out a small gasp and silently rushed towards the window. The charcoal haired man shoved his burnt hands into his pockets and let out a lopsided smile, taking a long drag into the cigarette hanging between his thick bottom lip, and top lip he obviously chewed too much. He removed the "death stick", as you used to call them, shortly after, sucking in a breath and licking his lips, ever so slowly. You pushed a hand through your hair and nodded at him. He could come in.
      As you went to lay down on your bed, you heard a grunt and then a thud quickly followed by a rustic, yet deep voice. "Fuck baby, I've been waiting for you all day". You sucked in a sharp breath at the mans voice, and oh his words. He knew what he did to you. He loved to flaunt it, the subtle whispers, the subtle tugs and grips he left on your skin. Suddenly you were falling, his weight on top of you as you left out a laugh and hit the bed. His hand had already wrapped itself around your neck, as his other feverishly mazed through your hair, his fingers curling, and brushing along your neck and ears.
      Before your brain could register his actions, he had a knee in between your legs, slowly sliding your school skirt up. "I've caught the mouse" he purred out slowly, his hot breath dancing across your neck and cleavage. The hand in your hair twitched, then slowly retreated towards the man, he pressed a kiss to your neck, let out a chuckle, and the room was filled with a outrageous ripping noise. You let out a squeal at the cold air and then glanced down. He had ripped your shirt with two fingers, clean in half. "I like when you squeal" he had whispered before nipping at the sensitive spot on your jaw. You let out a small whimper, eyes widening at the excitement dancing across his face.
     He looked at you through half lidded, ashy white eye lashes and let out a shaky breath, his words coming out in a desperate whisper "God you're so beautiful. I can't wait to ruin you". Your face turned a dark crimson, as your breathing picked up at his words, his knee pushing against you. His hands made quick work to rip the rest of your shirt off, and his long, slender fingers made work to wrap them selves around your bra straps. "Dabi! That was my school uniform!" you had scolded, but his other hands fingers were in your mouth before you could even close it. He pushed his finger tip down onto your tongue, encouraging a gag. He knew how to work you, and he was doing a great job as always.
     His free hand had yanked your skirt zipper so hard, it had come off with a practically silent pop. Your nose scrunched up, and you almost ran your teeth across his fingers. You made quick work to suck his fingers, catching him off guard and smiling as you could feel his knee push harder, the contact of it against you, making you let out a mewl. The man had gasped at the noise that brewed in your throat, you could tell it was making him feral. Yet, he stopped moving completely and just looked at you. "I don't want to hurt you, or push you in anything, mouse. You know that?" He had asked you in a hushed tone, seriousness lacing his voice as he spoke. You nodded quickly, almost too quickly, but slow enough that the man couldn't see how obsessed you were with him.
     He began to sit up, a smile playing on his lips, and soon they were on yours. You could taste the cigarette on his tongue, and his top lip truly was chewed on. A sign of stress you thought. He made quick work to nip your bottom lip, and before you could even register his attack, he was sucking on your tongue. By the time he pulled away, satisfied with your puffy, red lips, a spit string had followed him. He grinned and wiped your chin, sucking his thumb almost immediately afterwards. The action had you practically squirming, and you knew he had seen it. He stood up, looming over your small frame, drinking in your breasts and panties, with very obvious excitement.
     His face dropped and he let out a sigh, suddenly looking exhausted. "I really love you, so I want to wait. I don't want to ruin you all at once. I want to make it slow, so let's just cuddle for now?". You pouted but had nodded at him, standing up to pull his shirt off. It was over his head, and placed on your small figure, his rusty, yet strong pine scent surrounding you. You gripped his pinky and dragged him into bed. He quickly layed down, making sure to land with an excessive bounce. You let out a laugh, smiling at the mans dimples. You hadn't seen those in a while. Watching as he ran a dark hand through his hair, trying not to stare at the staples that held him together, you crawled on top of him and layed down. An exasperated sigh leaving your lips, and your minty breath dancing across his as you both lay in silence. The night time consuming your thoughts and feelings, slowly falling asleep to the mans breathing.

Word count: 977 words

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