Chapter 13

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"Miles what's going on?" Kate asked still half asleep. She realized he was bleeding. Bad. "Oh my god Miles what happened?!"

"I was running downstairs and bumped into the mirror, I'm sorry."

"I don't care about the mirror Miles, your arm!"

"It's just a cut..."

"Just a cut? Miles you need stitches! We're going to the ER. Y/N!"

Miles felt embarrassed. This can't be happening! She's going to think I'm an idiot! he thought.

Flora and Y/N were in the kitchen. They heard screaming from upstairs. Y/N could tell something bad had happened, but she didn't want Flora to worry.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Keep eating, I'll be right back," Y/N told Flora. She nodded and Y/N started sprinting up the stairs. She saw Miles right arm covered in blood and she started to panic.

"Miles! Holy shit, what happened?!" Y/N asked worriedly. 

Miles didn't talk. He was too embarrassed. Instead he looked away.

"He bumped into a mirror and cut his arm open. We have to go to the ER. Now. Go get Flora,"

Kate told Y/N.

Y/N nodded and ran back to the kitchen.

"Flora, honey, Miles had an accident upstairs and we have to take him to the doctor's office. Hurry!"

Flora nodded and took one last bite of her pancake. 

"Where are the car keys?!" Y/N asked Kate. She had to scream since she was downstairs and Kate was upstairs.

"On the table next to the front door!"

"I'm going to get the car started! Flora and I will wait for you guys in the car!"

"Got it! We'll be right there!"

Kate finished up bandaging Miles's arm and they both ran to the car. Y/N and Flora were sitting in the back seats so Miles and Kate could sit in the front. They got into the car, buckled up, and drove off to the nearest ER they could get to.

-At the hospital-

They were all in the waiting room waiting for Miles's turn. 

"Miles Fairchild, we're ready for you!" a nurse scram. 

Miles hated when people called him by his full name. He hadn't spoken a word to anyone since they had left the house.

"Let's take a look," Dr. Hilcroft began. "It looks like you need a wound cleansing and some stitches. It's a pretty bad wound, how did this happen?"

"Well, I was running downstairs and I ran into a mirror, it shattered, and it sliced my arm open."

Kate cringed at Miles's word choice. 

"Sliced? Really Miles?"Kate asked sarcastically.

"Well, we're going to take a while, why don't you go make your way to the waiting room and we'll take him to you when we're done."

"Got it, thanks doc," Kate said leaving the room.

"Fuck," Miles whispered under his breath.

it happened so fast - a miles fairchild x reader storyWhere stories live. Discover now