Chapter 2

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It's now recess and I decided to sit down next to Himiko. She's one of my classmates and I somehow really looked up to her. Her bravery stands out a lot and she's never afraid. Though, she represents a burden to the school. I wish I could be like her one day.

"...and Kaito was so weak at maths, he didn't do it! Gahahaha! What a loser he is!" Himiko snorted then continued her story, "Oh my god did you remember that time where Kokichi cried during the talent show? What a fucking wimp!" She laughed loudly then pushed me lightly then grabbed onto my arm to calm herself down.

"I bet I could get full scores on the math test. I'm always the hardworking one in the class along with Maki and Kaede, but the both of them are definitely beneath my high level." Kirumi said, feeling very proud of herself. She's also one of my classmates and she's really selfish, stubborn, self-centred and she has high confidence of herself. She's always feeling proud of herself and see the others, including me, as her servants or someone who is beneath her level.

"J-Jeez, your always so proud of y-yourself yet you do badly on all s-subjects." Miu spoked. Again, she's also one of my classmates and she have very low confidence, she always stutters, she have insecurities and she never opens herself up to anyone, "K-Kaede and M-Maki are much more b-better than you.. j-just saying."

"Excuse me!? I got straight A's during primary and middle school, I won a pageant contest when I was just in kindergarten and my parents are rich and they're friends with the President of this country, do you want to get sued!?" Kirumi argued.

"H-How are you doing so g-great during primary and middle school w-while you are d-doing so terrible n-now!?" Miu asked in surprise.

"Shut up, ladies. Miu, just leave Kirumi alone. She's always like that, what a thot she is." Himiko interrupted their argument.


"Now, now.. let's not fight like last time.. why don't we just get along and stop talking about that stupid math test..?" I stood up, stopping their lousy argument.

"Excuse me, I heard you guys were talking bad about Kokichi!" We turned our heads then we saw Maki, with a grumpy expression on her face. She's of course, one of my classmates and she's a very smart student. She's always cheerful and bright and she's pretty popular. She also protects Kokichi from any danger and whoever makes him hurt, or sad, she will turn very fierce. So we're pretty much in big trouble right now.

"Yeah, so? What about it? He's a wimp after all." Himiko argued. She's always annoyed by Maki's present so they kinda like, enemies to each other.

"He's not a wimp! He's just nervous and shy and you dare to talk bad about him!? Also, talking bad about others at their backs is bad! You should be ashamed of yourselves!" Maki argued back, "I want you to go and apologise to Kokichi or I will tell the teacher and the teachers will give you detention!"

"What are you!? A prefect!? The 'teacher's pet'!? You have no right to give me commands!" Himiko stood up then looked at her angrily.

"I do have rights to give you commands! I am the class rep! Did you forgot about that!?" Maki crossed her arms.

"Even tho your the class rep, you have no rights to command me! We're not even in class, fucking smarty pants!"

"Shut up! I want you to apologised to Kokichi right now or I will-"

"GIRLS! SHUT UP!" We heard a deep male voice from afar then we turned around and there was the headmaster, looking at us angrily, "I want you two in my office right this instant!"

"Fuck." Himiko mumbled then she groaned. Everybody in the cafeteria started whispering and giggling at them. Himiko and Maki walked off to the headmaster's office without a word being said. Well, this is not the first time. It sometimes happens.

"Tenko, are you okay?" I suddenly recognised that voice then I turned around to meet Rantaro's face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Also, go a bit further, you ugly male." I replied then groaned. He took three steps further then he looked at me, giving hints of his concern for me on his face.

"Don't need to get so aggressive. At least I have some concern for you unlike the others." ((I'm not like the other boys, I have concern for Tenko! 🙄💅))

"I'm better off alone! Ever since we talked at the sidewalk, you've been sooo concern for me and you cared about me so, so, so, much!" I crossed my arms angrily.

"Ooooh! Seems like someone has a boyfriend!" Kirumi teased from behind. I turned my head around and glared at her.

"He's. Not. My. Boyfriend."

"Don't need to get so aggressive on me! It's pretty obvious you guys are dating! Today in class, he kept letting you borrowing his stuff and he even answers the question for you! Admit it already."

"S-She got a point! It's k-k-kinda clear you g-guys are d-d-d-d... dating!" Miu agreed with her.

At that point, I have reached my limit, "You guys will never listen to your friends, huh?" I asked, "Then, I'm leaving!" I held Rantaro's wrist and walked out the cafeteria.

"IS LITTLE BABY TENKO GONNA CRY? BOOHOO! I THINK WE SHOULD CALL THE WAA-MBULANCE!" I can hear Kirumi making fun of me and laughing her ass off with Miu. What dicks they are, why do I consider myself to be friends with them again?

I stopped near my classroom then I let go of his hand, "Look, I don't wanna deal with shit right now but can you leave me the fuck alone? Your a burden in my life right now!" I asked him.

"Why are you so rude!? I didn't even do anything! All I did was asking you if you're okay or not!"

"Can you shut the fuck up right now!?" I yelled. Tears were starting to form in my eye then I grabbed onto my hair, "I.. don't wanna deal with you right now.." I closed my eyes then I started sobbing, "I don't wanna.. start a fight right now.."

I could tell he's just staring at me with concern. He just, watched me sobbing. Why aren't you doing anything, Rantaro!? Don't you see me crying right now? He just.. stood there. RANTARO!?

I suddenly felt two arms wrapped around me and I felt the warmth and comfort. I opened my eyes and saw Rantaro hugging me.

"Even though we just talked today, I could tell your a good person, Tenko." He said, "Don't worry, Tenko. I'll be here with you always. Your an amazing person. Whoever tries to hurt you, I will protect you."

The words from his mouth made me feel relaxed. Maybe.. all males aren't heartless and bad at all. But, I must watch out for this guy. He may betray me soon and it turns out his words weren't true at all.


Wanna read a head canon of mine? In-game Tenko actually have a crush on in-game Rantaro instead of Himiko. At the start, Tenko turns out to have a crush on Rantaro but she doesn't want anybody to know so she pretends to fall in love with Himiko. Like, I think that explains why she contributed to find Rantaro in Chapter 1. When he died, she was sad and mad. Sooner in the game, she accidentally fall in love with Himiko. What a girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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