Chapter 1

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  The Diva's title was securely around my waist as I climbed into the ring. Sometimes it was a hassle to hold. Now it's called a belt for a reason, so why not put it to use?

  I rushed over to my boyfriend, Seth Rollins, as he had his hand raised in the air for the victory over Curtis Axel. Once his hand was lowered he looked at me with a smile. I returned to the smile and wrapped my arms around his neck. His genuine smile soon turned into a playful smirk as one hand slipped around my waist. He leaned down a gave me a soft kiss to the lips causing the crowd to boo. We were the Authority's  power couple. Second to Triple H and Stephanie of course but we are still up there. We are like the prince and princess of the company and I enjoy it.

 Once he pulled away from the kiss the ref handed him his briefcase. He took it from him and raised it in the air causing a mixed reaction from the crowd. We walked over to the ropes and he held them open for me so i could leave first then he left after me. We walked up the ramp and make it backstage. I unlatched the belt from my waist and placed it on my shoulder.

  "I have a photoshoot tomorrow" He said plainly as his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I held his hand and looked up at him.

 "And why aren't you happy about this?!" I exclaimed. He just looked down at me with a raised brow.

  "Oh please Nicole you only care because you see me shirtless" He said causing me to roll my eyes.

 "So?!" I questioned playfully defensive. He just laughed and kissed my cheek causing me to blush.

 "It's okay just as long as I get to see shirtless on my bed, everything is golden" he whispered into my ear causing my eyes to widen and for my cheeks to turn a light pink. Which earned him a slap to the chest but he just laughed. I giggled softly, rolling my eyes and  poked his bare peck. He flexed them making them move and I squealed. I don't know why but I am always fascianted when he does that. He's trying to get me to do that with my chest but that's just Seth being the little perv he is.

  As we were walking another figure was walking towards us. I couldn't tell who it was because their head was down. But it was becoming familar once I saw messy, strawberry blonde hair. The person looked up and it was the one and only Dean Ambrose. His eyes landed on me and he stared deeply into my eyes. It was like I was in a trance. As we were passing each other my eyes couldn't leave his. He squinted his eyes a bit and looked away so he was no longer in my sight.

 I shook my head softly and continued walking. Seth made a grunt noise and scoffed. "Prick" He muttered underneath his breath. I looked up at him with a displeased look and I hoped that Dean hadn't heard him or else there would have been a serious problem. It's bad enought that they already aren't getting along since Seth betrayed him and Roman.

 But things don't always work out the way it should, does it?

 "You wanna speak up Rollins?" Dean growled in his raspy voice. Seth and I stopped walking and turned around to see the Dean was walking back over to us. Seth had that cocky smirk on his face and he shoved his briefcase into my arms, stepping closer to Ambrose. Is he being serious right now?

 "I called you a prick Ambrose, I didn't stutter keep your eyes off my girlfriend" He said now frowning. Ambrose just smirked while crossing his arms.

  "And what the hell are you going to do about it, huh?" Dean asked in a taunting tone. Seth's fists began to clench. That's when I dropped the briefcase and stepped in between them putting my hands on there chests pushing them apart. It felt a little weird touching Dean, a little tingly. I looked at him first as he was glaring at Seth then his gaze dropped down on me and something sparked in his eye. I looked away and looked towards Seth who was looking at me with a blank expression causing me to roll my eyes.

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