At The End Of The Rainbow

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There was once a small and fluffy unicorn called Ted. Ted was a world wide explorer unicorn, however not a very popular one. He had always dreamed of becoming the worlds greatest explorer and had a few tiny stories on him in the daily explorer (only the best explorer newspaper in the universe!) and had always dreamed of having the best story in the world. When he reached out to shake the mayors hand after, everyone knowing him (but not to extensively) and having his name as the title for a page in then daily explorer. Ted loved it.

So one day, Ted sat down with his pizza to start watching some Tv. He always started with the news to see If there was an adventure to try. Most of the time, it was just politics, and he just switched over to normal Saturday night Tv. But not today,

Tonight on the news at 7:00.
Breaking news, a colossal rainbow has just been spotted near the town of a East Downston. Uni-police have been investigating the scene but can't seem to get very close to it. We suspect this to be because of the invisa-monsters.
Yes that's right, invisa-monsters. As you know they have invested our country just for fun. Only a truly brave explorer can collect the gold at the end from a rainbow this big.
If you know anyone or yourself to get this gold please ring
07654 321785. And now on to our politics...

Ted knew, he felt it, this was his breakthrough story. He was so excited so he started packing immediately.
Ted got a sturdy backpack and put a torch, pencil, eraser, a notebook, a nice comfy jumper and a sandwich and his pizza, in case he got nibbly along the way, in it.

And so started Ted's adventure to the end of the colossal rainbow.

Ted was so excited, he could barely contain himself. He found himself skipping along the pathway. He knew where it was, because he lived in the south of Downston. Whereas the rainbow was in the east, and Downston wasn't a very big place so he just had to follow the eastern road. And he thinks he could just see the red too. There was just one problem. He thought that if it was such a big explorer problem, then there will probably be thousands of explorers there, doing the same thing. And he would have no chance in even trying to get to the end. But he thought positive thoughts and carried on skipping down the eastern road.
After every step, Ted could gradually start to see each colour of the colossal rainbow
First, red
And then just behind a tree was violet. And as Ted walked past the tree, he saw his arch nemesis, Professor Barch exp. (the Exp. Stood for explorer and he was also a unicorn). His real name was Stephano Barch but after he stole Ted's first explorer break through he was promoted to professor. Stephano and Ted has been enemies since school. And he stole loads of Ted's things. For example Ted's apple juice, or his pencil case, but after he stole is adventure breakthrough story, Ted despised Stephano. And he was instantly committed to beat him in finding the treasure.

"Oh heeelloo Ted" Stephano said with a sneer,
"Stephano..." Ted replied not making eye contact.
"Off to find the treasure are we?"
"Well, we all know how this will turn out, and I know for a fact your going to disagree, so let's make this simple. I'm going to bet that I'll find the treasure before you and I'll find the news studios to inform them to. Do you bet anything against?"
"Yes." Ted said confidently, "if you win, I will give up being an explorer and will admit you are better than me. If I win, you have to do the same and not try to sabotage my chances."
"Deal, now run along and get chased off by invisa-monsters" and he swiftly turned away.

Ted didn't exactly feel confident, but it was worth a shot.

Ted had always admired rainbows, so he had plenty of books that he read when he was bored. During one of these bored rainbow book moments, he read that the treasure was on the right side of a rainbow when it was singular. But when it was a double rainbow it was on the left side. So naturally, Ted examined the rainbow and realised it was a double rainbow so started travelling towards the left. Luckily, Stephano went right, and Ted used this to his advantage and started galloping.

Sadly, in Stephano's famous-ness, he had enough money to buy a monocle with a special glaze which is able to see special invisible monsters (not just invisa-monsters, all invisible monsters) so he will probably use that to his advantage too.

Soon enough, Ted grew tired. And wanted to eat his pizza. But as he got back to his feet to start galloping again, he realised he was in the exact same spot as when he was talking to Stephano.

"Must be the work of the invisa-monsters" Ted said to himself quietly.

Then he suddenly remembered, invisa-monsters haven't got very good eye sight and hearing. So if he walks slowly and quietly he probably won't be seen.

And then he tiptoed slowly, yet feeling like he has made more progress than before.

All of a sudden, Ted found the end. It was so tempting to just run up and grab the treasure. But he forced himself not to because he knew he would have to start all over again.
Still tiptoeing he carefully grabbed the treasure, and stuffed it into his bag.

Ted galloped as fast as he could. Dodging the now visible invisa-monsters (you can see them when their angry) until he reached the start of the eastern road.

However, at the sane time Stephano came with more treasure in his hands. Ted looked very confused but Stephano looked boastful, grinning like he'd won a prize against his rival.

"Oh well well, look who hasn't got the treasure"
"Um excuse me," Ted said reaching for his bag for the treasure and showed it to him.
"I thought I got the treasure..."
"It must be a joke, just hand it over and I'll give it to the daily explorer."
" No way, you give it to me, you have to much fame, share it around for a change!"
"Or, why don't we just both give it and share the fame" Ted continued.
"Fine, I'll probably regret it one day but fine." Stephano said glumly.
"Good. Now let's go before the invisa-monsters catch up to us."

And they set off. Not yet friends, but not enemies either. Stephano got his usual fame which he loved, and Ted finally got his headline story and even got to keep the treasure!

After that, Ted got loads more headline stories including finding lost cookies, another huge rainbow and venturing out into the human world too. And that is the beginning of the stories of Ted the tiny unicorn.

Hope you enjoyed the story!
A shoutout to saffrodafae, red-writer, and misty lights for helping me write all these stories and convincing me that my stories aren't that that cringy!
So yeah!
Btw don't actually call the phone number in the news report because I just made it up on the spot!
:) :) :) :) :p

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