The dream

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Josie's POV:
I was in a snowy forest with a few rocks ,bushes  and water streams, i felt weird and shorter than normal . I look down at my feet and IM A WOLF. I spin around and see a TAIL , A BLACK AS NIGHT TAIL . I run to the nearest water stream tripping on my paws on my way there , I look down at the water and see my reflection , I see a wolf with black as night fur and big golden eyes staring at me , I hear a howl I howl back telling it that I heard it . A few minutes later I see a beautiful while wolf by a tree , it slowly walks up to me and it bows , I bow back , coping it's every move , but the odd thing is , I feel connects to this wolf , like if I knew it for my whole like , that I can trust it . I nudge my snout on its neck and rub myself against it , I lay down yapping at it to join me . The while wolf starts licking my cheek for a while before laying down next to me .i quickly felt safe with the wolf , it felt like my wolf was pulling closer to the white wolf like if my soul was trying to reach out to the other wolf's soul ,the white wolf stood up nudging my neck , I shake my head in approval and the white wolf slowly bites my neck , marking me . I nudge my snout into the white wolf's neck and it shakes its head in approval and I slowly bite down on its neck marking it . Our eyes started glowing yellow and we lick each others wounds , the white wolf said started walking towards the trees , it stops in its tracks looking back at me ,it nudges it's head to show me to follow it . I follow the white wolf though the forest and we stop at a big plain and it brushes up against me and runs , I run at it and nudge it , the white wolf stated chasing me , it wanted to play . After playing for what felt a very long time we both got tired and we curled against each other,falling asleep .

Hope's POV:
I woke up with a loud ringing and looked at my alarm clock , it was 7:00 am and it was time for breakfast , I decided to take a quick shower before changing into my uniform and go get breakfast , I got into the very hot shower feeling my skin relax to the rich of the hot water , I soon think of the weird dream I had last night , of a black wolf on a snowy plain with my wolf , me feeling a strong connection towards it like if it was my soul mate or my twin flame ,me marking it , showing every other wolf that that wolf was mine , my mate , I shrugged at the dream thinking not much about it since I normally dream about my wolf , I got out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel, after feeling dry enough I changed into my school uniform . I walked up to my body mirror and seeing a MOON TATTOO BY MY COLLARBONE . I shrieked and ran to Dr saltzman's office , I quickly knocked on the door , "come in " I hear him say and I burst open the doors "Dr saltzman "I quickly say with panic in my voice "hope what's wrong ?" He asks me while trying to see why I'm panicking , I quickly show him my collarbone showing him the moon tattoo "I DIDNT HAVE THIS , I JUST WOKE UP THIS MORNING AND NOW I HAVE A MOON TATTOO " I scream out while still panicking "hope calm down" dr saltzman says while trying to figure out what this means , "go to class while I call your aunt Freya and try to figure out what this means ok ?" "Ok" I quickly answer but before I could leave josie bursted through the door with a oversized black hoodie and shorts  "DAD" she screamed but stoped when she saw dr saltzman and me , "honey what's wrong? " I hear dr saltzman ask "there's a random sun tattoo in my collarbone " she says as she brings her hoodie down enough to see it ,as soon as I see it I feel my eyes glow , just like last night with the black wolf , dr saltzman soon saw my glowing eyes as I stare at Josie's tattoo "HOPE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON " I hear dr saltzman scream breaking my concentration with her mark I quickly looked up at him then I heard josie  "DAD DONT SCREAMED AT HER " Josie yelled as she moved infront of me ,trying to protect me ? I soon realized  that Josie's eyes were glowing and I realized what's going on , Josie is the black wolf , I marked Josie .

Josie's POV:
I wake up from my weird wolf dream , didn't think much of it I looked over at my alarm clock 7:15 am , they were still serving breakfast , I got undressed and ready to change into my school uniform , I looked up to my mirror and saw a SUN TATTOO ON MY COLLARBONE , I quickly put my hoodie and shorts back on and ran to my dads office , I didn't even knock I just threw the doors open and screamed "DAD" I say but I quickly stop screaming when I see hope in her uniform and my dad with his thinking face "honey what's wrong ?" My dad asked me looking at me "there's a random sun tattoo on my collarbone " I say while I pull my hoodie down just enough to let my dad see it . I see hopes eyes glow while she's staring at my tattoo I soon realized that that happened also in my Dream last night in my dream with the white wolf "HOPE WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON " I hear my dad scream , this made me feel protective of hope I quickly yell "DAD DONT SCREAM AT HER" I move infront of her trying to protect her from my dad I felt my eyes glow , then I realized , hope is the white wolf in my dream , I marked her .

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