Twenty Two

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*Part 2 of a double update (I'm trying to make up for not updating in a month) be sure to check if you've read the previous chapter before continuing.

Until next time!*


Zaire woke to the sound of a broken scream, the noise, making him jolt awake. He clutched onto his pups, heart pounding against his chest. It was Ambrose's cries, Zaire was sure of it. 

His guilty conscience weighed down on him the longer he sat in place. He wanted nothing more than to stay where he was, cowering in the corner while allowing Ambrose to suffer in their place. But as he looked down at his eldest pup, the boy's eyes filling with tears, he knew that he had to help Ambrose. 

"Mama," Eren whispers, his green eyes shimmering with emotion. "I'm scared. Please help him, he must be scared too." 

Zaire's hands curl into fists, his eyes squeezing shut as he internally screams. He wanted to stay put... but he had to help Ambrose. 

"Fuck," Zaire curses under his breath, sighing in defeat. 

Goddess, please protect my children...

Zaire presses a kiss to his pups' heads, tucking them further into the corner where they would be hidden from sight. He knew it would not help them if Johnathan were to seek them out, their scents would give their hiding spot away immediately. But it made Zaire feel a little better, knowing that he did something in an attempt to protect them. 

Zaire opens the door hesitantly, peeking through the small crack to assess the situation. He didn't spot Johnathan or Ambrose anywhere, making his heart thump wildly in his chest. 

Where had they gone? 

Zaire's heart skips a beat when he notices the door leading to the upstairs was wide open. Was this a trap? Was Johnathan waiting on the other side ready to punish him? 

He was going to investigate the situation no matter what happened next. What did he have to lose?

Your pups, a voice in the back of his head whispers. His wolf. Zaire was shocked as he hadn't heard from his wolf in years. And now of all times, he was appearing before him. 

At that moment, Zaire wanted to stay in the room with his pups. He takes a step back, hand on the door, ready to close it. 

Think about this Zaire, his wolf says. Think of your pups. He will kill them if you disobey his orders. 

Zaire pauses, glancing back at his two pups. His dear children. Eren was still awake, peeking his little head from his hiding place. Looking at his mother with his wide green eyes. 

"We are better off dead than if we were to stay with Johnathan," Zaire says, running up the stairs before he could change his mind. 

Zaire almost sobbed when he reached the top of the stairway, gazing upon the house he used to live happily in with Johnathan and Eren. Before they were forced into the basement. 

The house was smaller, nothing grand. But it was special to him because it was the home he shared with his mate and son. Or rather it was his home. All of the memories turned sour the moment he realized who Johnathan truly was.

He enters the living area, heart clenching painfully as he notices the small fireplace and furniture around it. The sofa had a deep olive green fabric, a soft texture under his fingers. 

He remembered laying on that sofa hours after he had given birth to Eren. Johnathan sat alongside him, rubbing Zaire's shoulders and stroking the top of their pup's head lovingly. The fire crackled in the fireplace, giving off a soft warmth that was greatly needed on that cold day. 

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