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Mitch Electra Russo

The most annoying thing about being a solicitor in training? Everyone automatically thinks you're some boring old fart.
The second most annoying thing about being a solicitor in training? The obnoxious assholes you have to work under, for example: The executives at my new firm according to all the business magazines I've spent the past week reading. Apparently owning a huge empire of solicitors and barristers entitles you to be a pretentious snob.
I moved to London to try and get a life away from where I grew up in the north of England. It's not that anything particularly traumatic happened. I just didn't have one up there...a life that is.
I met Calum a few years ago on holiday and he had told me he lived in London and if I ever needed a place to stay he was always looking for a roommate. So that's what happened.
Right now it's Monday, and I'm starting my new job at Hemmings&Clifford law services, where I will have to stay for 5 years under experience contract.

"Russo?" An bored tone of voice rang through my ears as I stood in the waiting area of the huge complex I would be spending most of my time in, helping people sue other people for compensation and review statutory law, fun.
"Yes, that's me" my voice came out surprisingly confident and I mentally patted myself on the back.
"My names dave," A brunette male probably in his mid 20's quickly shook my hand before turning from me and walking away, I quickly followed as he starting talking at a rediculous pace "I'm Mr Clifford's personal assistant, you will be working in his department for the time being until we can find a space for you over at Mr Hemmings' department. Mr Clifford is in charge of civil lawyers, Hemmings specialises in Criminal soliciting which I understand is what you are wanting to do here. This way please and try to keep up Mr Clifford has a very busy schedule I'm supposed to be keeping track of" he quickly turned a corner. I looked towards the end of the corridor until a large room with glass walls caught my eye, my legs automatically slowing me down. There was a large oak desk with maybe 20 leather chairs surrounding it. Every one of them filled with the asses of my new co-workers I assume. They all seemed like they were on death row, their legs bouncing up and down nervously under the desk, very visibly gulping in fear as they picked at their dog-eared files. Well now I'm optimistic about the day to come....
that's when I saw the men at the front of the room.

In Front of some sort of presentation with charts and graphs stood 2 tall men, one with very messy blood orange hair, he was looking down in anger at his employees. The other one staring straight at me cracking his knuckles, and in that moment I suddenly felt entirely out of place and my feet planted to the ground, he was intimidating, and he knew it, the small smirk beginning to lift one corner of his mouth upwards as my mouth went dry.

"RUSSO! What are you doing come on!" My head shifted to the voice of the young personal assistant tapping his foot and crossing his arms and the end of the corridor. And I was off again striding as fast as I could out of sight of my new boss.

Finally I got to my new Office, and stepped inside with Dave, It was an average size room, a large white desk was situated back and centre, behind it was a wall of glass much like the room I had passed 5 minutes earlier, and looking out of it I saw pretty much most of London due to me being situated on the top floor. "This is the only office available, Mr Clifford and Mr Hemmings' offices are on this floor also. So make sure you're always working your ass off or they'll have your head" he chuckled as I turned around and sat at my desk taking in the dark walls and bookcases.
"Right, I think someone will be in shortly to give you your first cases," Dave clapped his hands and smiled at me as I said thank you for showing me to my office. Just as he walked out my door I called him back
"Yes miss Russo"
"I was just going to say you can call me Mitch, it's a lot easier"
"Right" he grinned and left as I waiting for further instructions at my desk.


Hey guys it's Kat! :) thanks for reading. I'm really really into this idea and I actually got kind of inspired by the CEO series I read by kingsofmuke (I think it's that) so check her stuff out.

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