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Eliza's POV (Tuesday)

[During Free Period]

I walk around the halls since I have nothing to do and, Yunhee is still taking an important test in her class while Yuta is not yet here

"Oh hey Eliza" Haechan greeted

"Hey, you also have nothing to do during break?" I asked him

"Yeah, do you have any plans after school?" He asked

"Yeah actually, Me and Yunhee have to pick up Yuta from the airport" I said

"Oh I see, anyways it's nice seeing you again" He said before walking away

After he walked away the bell started ringing meaning Yunhee is done and we can go get Yuta from the airport.

[At the airport]

Me and Yunhee went inside the airport looking for Yuta 

"Do you see Yuta anywhere?" She asked me

"I don't, I'll try calling him" I said

"Oh yea yea do that, I wanna see that dude" She said as I ringed Yuta

[Yo what's up, where are you guys?] He said
"YO where are you?" I asked 
[I'm at lobby 2 I think]
"Where the hell is that" Yunhee said
"What lobby are we in?" I asked her
"No idea" She replied
[I think I see you guys] He said making us turn around making Yuta giggle
"Aish you dork" Yunhee said
"Where do you find the sign of what lobby are you in?" I asked
[At the center] 
"Oh we're at lobby 2"
I said
[Oh I see you two] He said making Yunhee turn around so fast looking around
"You better not be joking I swear" Yunhee said

"See I'm not joking" He said

"YAHHHHHHHHH YUTA NAKAMOTO" Yunhee shouted before hugging him

"YAHHHHHHH SONG YUNHEE" He said before hugging her back

[At the apartment]

"Man this apartment is nice" He said

"Yea, and we're sharing it so; technically it's our apartment" I said

"Man, thanks" He thanked me

"No problem, I can help you with your part-time job tomorrow or on the weekends. That room is your room you can set it up now, I have to go" I said while getting my backpack

"Where are you going?" He asked

"Library" I said while putting on socks then my shoes

"Are you gonna tutor Jaehyun today?" He asked

"I'm gonna tutor him tomorrow, I just need something from the library bye" I said before closing the door and walked to the library

Uh Hi, uh sorry for not making a new chapter for nearly 2 months

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