𝟒𝟏. 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐲

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It didn't go away.

For the next week my annoying chest pressure still appeared when i thought of our little kiss. It's really started to worry Ayla. She thinks i could be dying. She's just exaggerating it.

All that happens is that my throat closes up, and my chest gets heavy. I haven't been able to sleep properly, but no worry. That's why we have poisons.

"Scarlet i'm taking you to a healer." Ayla dead panned as she walked into my kitchen.

She had stayed over last night. Just her. We did face masks, pained our nails, and watch Mean Girls, just like any other best friend catch-up.

I cut through my eggs on toast and looked up to the girl, "No need. Im fine. Seriously."

"No. No your not." She took as seat beside me with her full plate in front of her. "I have an appointment booked for 2pm. After breakfast go get ready. We'll leave for London at 12, get lunch, then go to St Mungos." She took a bite of her food and looked up to me for understanding.

"I don't need to go. I promise."

She took a sip of her orange juice i had poured her earlier, "Your going. End of story."

We had our little lunch at New London Cafe, and appeared to my appointment.

It was cold and stunk of medicine as soon as we stepped in. Just like every other hospital visits, your heart start racing a million miles per hour awaiting the worst.

Ayla grabbed onto my arm and strode towards the front desk confidently, "We're here for a appointment for a Miss Malfoy?"

An old women with maroon glass looked at the muggle computer in front of her, "2pm appointment?"

"That would be the one."

The women pointed to the hallway on our right as her glass fell down her nose, "Down the hallway on your right. Room 407."

"Thank you." Ayla smiled the tugged me away.

"We could just leave now. I'm in no need for this." I offered slowly as i tried to pull my arm away as we reached the door.

Ayla yanked me in front of the white door, "We're doing this." She said sternly then knocked on the door.

"Coming!" A high pitch voice called out.
Running footsteps came towards the door and we stepped back. The door swung open, letting a young women stand in its place.

Her short blonde hair that hung just above her shoulders swayed as she introduced herself, "Hi! I'm Healer - or if you prefer doctor - Maisy! I'm kinda like a muggle therapist so don't hold back on telling me anything. Are you two my two o'clock appointment?" She asked as she hung into the door frame poking her head around like a child.

"Yeah..." Ayla responded for me knowing i wouldn't.

"Perfect! Lovely to meet you Miss Malfoy!" She said to Ayla.

Realising her mistake i quickly corrected her,
"Oh, actually i'm Scarlet Malfoy. She's just dragging me here. That's Ayla Nott.".

The girl slapped a hand over her mouth and laughed,
"I'm so sorry. Anyways, come in!"

As we walked in and the healer went went over to her desk to grab a document, Ayla whispered, "A lot of energy that one."

At which i responded with, "You two should get on well."
Ayla scowled at me then looked around the room.

It didn't have a bed, or look normal hospital room.
It had grey carpet, and white walls. No windows as we were in the middle of the building. A small black leather couch that i presume i have to lay in. A couple minimalistic paintings on the walls of random shapes. A white desk sat in the corner piled with files and a neat arrangement of pens. Besides taht were a pile of scattered reading books.

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