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I got ranked 197 in wof! :DDD

 Daybreak had had visions before, but never any like the one she was having now. It felt so different than the ones she had had.

 She was on Pyhrria, most likely seeing through some other dragon's eyes. 

 Wait. Where's Agate Mountain? How far in the future is this?

 "We did it. The war is over," someone said, and the vision changed.

 "He's gone," a Nightwing whispered, glancing at a Sandwing. They smiled at each other.

 The vision changed again.

 "We're going to the other continent," someone murmured, and the vision changed for a third time.

 "Do you know what this means?" A sharp voice asked. 

 "What does it mean?" Another questioned.

 "She's vulnerable now."

 "Now is the time to strike."

 "First the Lightwing will die, and then the Moonwings. And if we are not successful, then Flight will kill us."

 "How do we know they're real?"

 "We don't, but we have to believe it, or we could end up dead. If we don't do what it says..."

 "But we have to fulfill the prophecy," the second voice argued. 

 "That's true. What will happen if we don't?" The first asked.

 "I'm not sure."

 "Well then, the dreamer has to be the one to give her that light... push."

 "Will we succeed?"

 "If the dreamer knows what to do, then yes, we will. There shouldn't be any complications."

 "And if she doesn't?"

 "Then we make her do it. It's quite simple, really. Just make sure that something she cares deeply for is put at stake."

 "And what might that be?"

 "Does she have a family?"

 "No, but she does have a memory of one. Some kind of-"

 "Shush... do you hear that?"

 "No," the second voice said.

 "She's here," the first said, and Daybreak's vision changed to an eerie blackness that consumed everything.

 The light was fading... 

 Everything was gone.

 She was alone.

 And she was to die.


 Silvershine felt the dragon next to her shiver violently. Something was surely going on with Daybreak...

 The starsoul could only take them so far, and after they had to travel the rest of the way but talon and wing. It was their third night of traveling, and still, Daybreak's visions seemed to be weighing her down more and more.

 The visions seemed to be getting worse. She described more horrific things each time. She described them as suffocating.

 Silvershine new what that was like.

 Daybreak was all alone without anyone to guide her as a Lightwing, and Silvershine was all alone, but this time there were actually dragons to guide her. They just didn't. They refused to aid her for some reason. They drowned her in excuses and suffocated her in doubts. 

 Her world was full of rumors and discrimination.

 And everyone was too blind to see it.

 The Moonwings believed that their world was perfect and that everyone got along, but when you were shoved to the bottom of the bag like Silvershine, you began to realize that things weren't as perfect as they thought.

 Silvershine wrapped a wing around Daybreak, her shuddered stopping abruptly and her breath slowing.


 A faint glow entered the endless darkness. 

 Daybreak reached for it, holding it tightly and allowing it to illuminate her life.

Welp, I never knew I could be so poetic. That was certainly a first time for me.

Yet again, the chapter is short. I'm sorry, I just really wanted to get something done. I feel like I'm not doing the best I can with this book. I'm really trying, but I'm dying of schoolwork and I'm experiencing some MAJOR writers block. Updates are going to be really slow. 

I'm also just lazy :P

Luv, your lazy bean, E :>

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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