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 "But... I wasn't born under any moons," Nightfall said. 

 Daybreak brushed her wing against Nightfall's. "I wasn't either, and I'm a prophet," she whispered softly.

 "You're not a Nightwing."

 "Can we try to focus on what it actually means?" Darkstalker asked, already beginning to pace the room. 

 "Well, the first part is relatively easy. A dragon with silver scales flies by here often nightly," Daybreak translated.

 "And the next time two new moons rise together, we meet them by a 'river glisten' whatever that is," Nightfall said. 

 "Are there any rivers around that catch the moonlight especially well?" Daybreak asked.

 "Yeah, one. It's called... oh. It's Glisten River." Darkstalker face taloned.

 "So next time two new moons are up, we have to meet them by Glisten River," Daybreak said. She glanced out the window. "The sun is nearly fulling up. We should go back into the party." 

 Indigo nodded. "I don't like it up here," she said. 

 "Yes, let's go back inside," Fathom said, already flying out the window, Indigo closely on his tail. 

 When they landed, the two Seawings rushed inside and away from the party, but Daybreak still had to be evaluated by the queen on her abilities. She gulped. "Where's the queen?" Darkstalker asked her quietly.

 "She's on her throne, talking to your father about the war," Daybreak said. "When we get there, though, Queen Vigilance will order him away."

 "Alright, let's go then," Darkstalker said, approaching the throne. The queen glanced up at them and waved Arctic off, sending his murderous thoughts with him. 

 "Ah, the little Lightwing," she said. "Please, follow me." She led them through winding passageways and down staircases until they finally ended up in one of the plazas. Small lanterns hung from ropes, lighting the place up in unique ways. Flowers of all different kinds hung from tall walls, cascading down onto the ground. The place smelled of oranges, making Daybreak's nose tingle. 

 "We are here to evaluate your skills as a seer," the queen said, slowly circling Daybreak as Darkstalker stood off to the side. "Tell me, who is the next dragon to die in the tribe, and when? How old will they be, do they have a family, if so, what is there families names? Where will they die at?"

 "Unless someone acts, the next Nightwing to die is a young one named Dreamdweller, who is 4 years old. She'll die the night before two new moons rise. No, she does not have a family, and she'll die at the hands of a two Sandwings, named Mesa and Plateau, very close to our borders," Daybreak recited.

 "Very good. Which of my seers will die next, when, how, and where?"

 "Your next seer to die is named Stardust. He'll be poisoned by a Skywing named Hawk, who will mistake him for an enemy, at the edge of the rainforest, in two days."

 "And lastly, tell me when the next Icewing attack on our kingdom will be? Where will they come from? And how many are there?"

 Daybreak hesitated. "I can't tell you that. It changes fate too much," she whispered. 

 The queen nodded. "Alright. You have been evaluated. Your results will come in two days time." She flicked her tail as if to say 'I want you out of my sights.' Daybreak grabbed Darkstalker's talon and pulled him away, the sun now fully up.


 "Darkstalker, a dragons going to die in an hour on our shores! Why can't we go help her?"

 "Because. The Icewings are attacking today! I don't want you to get hurt."

 "I won't get hurt! The Icewings are coming from the other shores! Can't we please help her? Pretty please?"


 "Fine, then I guess I'll go myself!" Daybreak exclaimed. She new what would happen if she didn't go. The dragon would die, and if Mesa and Plateau killed her, then Dreamdweller would never deliver the prophecy she needed to. And if she didn't deliver the prophecy, then Nightfall's prophecy would never come true.

 Daybreak took to the sky's, watching Darkstalker rush to his room, probably to try and save her from harm. Well, it isn't going to work. And besides, I can protect myself.

 She soared past the Nightwing kingdom and towards the shores where her egg had been found. The white grains of sand were damp from the waves. She landed softly on her feet, smiling to herself. This was the place that her egg had been found.

 It was a beautiful place, really, and Daybreak could clearly see why her parents had chosen this place. She lay down in the soft grains, flopping her tail over her nose. She waited for the two Sandwings and a Nightwing to come tumbling past. 

 There was a screech from behind her and she turned, noticing a brown-yellow dragon leaping towards a pitch black one, tail arched. She shot towards them, shoving the Sandwing away before he could stab Dreamdweller. "Hey! Why are you even fighting?"

 "She took it!"

 "Took what?" 

 "She took the locket!" He screeched, pointing his deadly tail at Dreamdweller's neck, where a silver locket hung.

 "You stole it out of the Nightwing encampment my parents were in! This is my locket!" Dreamdweller yelled.

"No, it's not!" Another Sandwing yelled from behind Dreamdweller. He lunged for her, but Daybreak shoved him out of the way. 

 "Stop the fighting!" She yelled. She held her talon out towards Dreamdweller. "May I?" Dreamdweller carefully removed the locket and placed it in her hand. Daybreak opened it, revealing the beautiful white opal inside. 

 "Your lockets had a topaz inside, right?" She asked the Sandwings.

 "Yes," they answered at the same time. Daybreak bent down, feeling the sand around her. Cold metal brushed against her claws, and she dug out two identical lockets.

 "Here," she said, handing one to each Sandwing, and Dreamdweller's locket back. "Now apologize."

 "Sorry," they mumbled. 

 "I accept your apology," Dreamdweller said, placing the locket back over her head and snapping it shut. "I don't think we were properly introduced," she said, holding out her talon for all three of them to shake. "My name is Dreamdweller."

 "Mesa," one of the Sandwings said, shaking her talon. "And this is my identical twin brother, Plateau." Daybreak squinted, noticing that Mesa had more freckles than Plateau, and that Plateau had darker eyes. There lockets also had the first letter of their name engraved on them.

 "I'm Daybreak," she said, shaking Dreamdweller's talon. She noticed that the sun was beginning to rise. She glanced at the sea. 

 Bright blue eyes stared back at her. 

A/N I am going to try to publish every other day, but I will let you know if I can't.


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