Left in the cold....

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Miss Minchin felt cold. Hunger is gnawing at her stomach. Her search for her sister has come to naught. Her anger for the little girl that she blamed for all her misery is spent. Nothing is left, she felt empty. She found a corner and sat down. Her once pristine black dress threadbare, and looked almost gray, the dress that once fit her, now hangs off her bony body. She can't remember her last meal. Her self-righteous indignation of her situation is gone, replaced by a realization that her present dire situation is all her fault. And with this the voice in her head that she long repressed resurfaced. Why were you so cruel? You used to love teaching Amelia, you used to take delight in children. Now even if she would try to deny it, she had no more strength. She couldn't hide from the truth anymore. You didn't even ask for forgiveness from Sarah, you were so blinded by jealousy Amelia, your heart coated with covetous malice. Why? Why didn't you move on? She felt her eyes water, her frozen heart thawed, she felt the pain of the disappointment she faced. I couldn't get past the fact that because I was a mere governess the family of the man I loved was so opposed to me. She remembered loving a little girl like she was hers and loving the father with all that she was. Unfortunately, the father was spineless and didn't go against his family's wishes, his mother's wish to be exact. She was pregnant and not only did they sack her, she was turned away without a reference. That vile old dragon!!! She felt the pain like it was just yesterday. But you became just like her didn't you? You abused a helpless human being, a child at that, what makes you different from her? She couldn't hold her tears anymore she sobbed, surprised that her tears didn't get frozen by the cold, the cold that made her body numb, if only it could numb her pained heart. She sobbed for the child she had to give up. I gave up my child, I gave her up for a sum, a sum that quickly dwindled. She let a wealthy couple take her baby to the New World, because she longed for revenge. But was unsuccessful, it was too late when she realized what makes her happy. She longed for her baby girl. But she knew, she could never have her then. She was beyond her reach. What little money she had left she used to open a school for young ladies. In hope that it will ease the pain in her heart. But, it was not the case. Through the years she saw how easy was the life of those wealthy children. She got jealous. Your eyes were covered with greed and jealousy.

She wept and felt her strength leave her.

Miss MinchinWhere stories live. Discover now