Chapter 30

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Dark Shadow roared out again. Well shit.


"Wh-what's going on, Shoji?!" Izuku asked as both of them watch Dark Shadow pass by them

"Quiet." He whispered, "After Mandalay's Telepath about the villain attack telling us not to engage, we went on alert immediately. Right after that, we were attacked by a villain"

Shoji held out a hand and turned it into an ear, he heard something like blades coming their way

The blades were about to hit Tokoyami but Shoji pushed him away

"Shoji!" The bird headed boy rolled into a bush to hide

"I covered Tokoyami, hiding in the foliage even as my arm got cut off"

"Your arm?" Izuku looked down at it. His arm, you weirdos

"Even though it's not a shallow cut, it's not like I've lost it forever. My Dupli-Arms can even duplicate my duplicated organs, and what was cut off was a duplicate"

He lowered his head a little, "But I guess he couldn't even stand that. The quirk he had been holding back started getting out of control..."

"In deep darkness, he can't control it..." Izuku mumbled, "I don't realize his quirk was so peaky..."

"It was probably his emotions, like the righteous indignation and regret that made it even more wild. He kept trying to hold it back, but-" Shoji stepped on a twig then jumped away

"-It reacted to any movement or sound, turning into a monster that was just lashing out with attacks  indiscriminately"

"Forget... About me...." Tokoyami struggled, "Find the others... And help them! Calm down, Dark Shadow!" He yelled

"Dark Shadow's weakness is light." Shoji mumbled, "If we lead them to the fire or back to camp, they should calm down. Midoriya, no matter the circumstance, I don't want to become a person who leaves a suffering friend behind"

He looked back at the boy on his back, "You forced that body to get you here because you were worried about Shirakumo and Bakugou, right? If you think you can still move, I'll draw Dark Shadow away and open up a path for you"

"Wait..." Izuku lifted his head a little, "It's pretty far to either the camp or the fire, then you'll be in dange-" Dark Shadow noticed them and swatted their arm? At them, Shoji was able to dodge

"I know, the act of saving people comes with risks. That's why heroes are called heroes." He stopped and his behind another tree

"Will you stay with me and help Tokoyami, or will you rush to where Shirakumo and Bakugou are? Which will you choose, Midoriya?"

Izuku thought for a moment, "Sorry, Shoji...."


"Flesh... Piece of meat" Moonfish mumbled, his teeth extended again into more blades, "Flesh..."

He attacked the ice wall that Todoroki had made, breaking past it every few seconds

"I can't get near him, damn it! The only thing I can do is blast him with everything I've got"

(Y/n) glared at him, "And what do you think I can do?! I almost got stabbed when we tried it a moment ago! And you'll burn the trees!"

"If the trees burn, Icy-hot can just cover them with ice right after!"

"The blast will impair my vision, too!" Todoroki yelled at him, "What'll happen if I can't stop all of it? Our opponent has the advantage in both number of moves and distance!"

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