Chapter 13

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Sid: Hello everyone I am Siddharth Nigam. Hope we enjoy this year.

Teacher: Who will not Siddharth? I love your songs.

Sid: Thanks miss.

Avneet was shocked......


Avneet stood up and left the class. He was tensed about her. So he also ran behind her.

Siddharth: Avneet listen to me.

Avneet: What is left now? And why did you become my friend? I am just a simple girl and you did not trust me even. You could have told me that you are that "the Siddharth Nigam". You are really a liar.

Siddharth: I am sorry Avni. You know that my mom was away from me. I had no friends. Then you came in my life as an angel. I loved being with you, and you know what that is the problem. Why can't a star be a friend of a simple girl? And why am I cheater? I just did not want to lose you just because of my popularity. How many times did I try to tell you? Our bond became stronger and I did not want to lose it. This is just my mistake. I just wanted to be with you. If you don't like me being with you, I will leave. Please......

Avneet: Shhhh, I am sorry.

Siddharth: I will always be your Maddo, forever.

Avneet: Yup my Maddo.

They both chuckled. It was the break time.

Avneet: They must be waiting for me.

Siddharth: Who?

Avneet: Jannat oh god. Come now.

They reached the canteen. Jannat stood in shock seeing Avneet and Siddharth coming together.

Faisu: The Siddharth Nigam! Oh my god.

Avneet: Maddo meet Faisu jiju and Jannat. Hello?? What happened to her?

Faisu: *shakes Jannat and she comes out of her dream land* Miss Jannat, *keeps his hands in front of her face like a mic* you get to meet Mr. Siddharth Nigam in real life. What do you want to express?

Jannat: OH MY GOD I am going to die. Really I am your biggest fan.

Siddharth: Thank you so much.

Faisu: Hi I am Faisu.

Jannat: I am Jannat. Avneet when did you meet him? And when did you become friends?

Avneet: We are friends since 2 years, right Maddo?

Siddharth: Yes but she got to know my real identity some time before.

Jannat: That means you were friends and she did not know you are a superstar?

Siddharth: I did not want to lose her so I tried to hide.

Jannat: See Avni didn't I keep telling you he is very down-to-Earth.

Avneet: Yeah he is. But he is my Maddo.

Siddharth: Don't call her Avni. It's only my right.

Jannat: So cute! 

Faisu: By the way someone said "I haven't even seen Siddharth Nigam's face. I don't know why girls are drooling over him." Aww the thoughts change so soon.

Avneet: Yeah I hadn't seen his face. Now I've seen it and now I know why girls drool over him so much. He has those qualities. Right Madoo?

Sid: Perfectly right!

Jannat: But I must tell you all the girls of the college are jealous of Miss Avneet. I am also included.

Avneet: You just shut up. He is my property. No girl can be his before my permission, not even you.

Faisu: See sir, after seeing you Jannat left her love.

Siddharth: Don't call me sir, we all are friends.

Jannat: Aww hate you so much.

Faisu: Love you too baby.

Siddharth: Avu don't you think we should buy them a room.

Avneet: Yep *hified* hashtag Couple goals.

Faisu: Shut up.

A girl came near Siddharth.

Girl: I am your biggest fan, I love your songs so much.

Siddharth: Thank you very much.

Girl: Why are you with her? I am much better.

Siddharth: Just shut up. I respect that you are my fan, but she is my best friend. Don't dare to say anything about her otherwise you will have to face the consequences.

Girl left in attitude. Avneet was just admiring him. She pulled his cheeks.

Siddharth: *got a call* Hello, how are you?


"Now you got time for me?"


"Jaan I missed you so much. Really come soon. Love you bye!"



Yay finally the truth is out!

Avneet was furious but now they are happy and back together.

Who's this Jaan now? Is she Sid's girlfriend?

Readers, Birthday ki preparations se time nikal ke chapter likha hai please vote kr dena!!!😁😁😂😂

Just kidding don't take it rudely!😊😊💚

Thanks for reading,


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