Chapter 22

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Siddharth was about to say something to Jannat.

Sid: Thanks lovely.....




























































Siddharth: Thanks lovely sister.

Jannat: Oh my god I am Siddharth's sister.

Avneet: If you bro-sis talks are done let us move to our work.

Riyaz: What are we doing?

Siddharth: Make banners, see the sports area is in your control. As students from other college will also be there so you need to take care of sports area. And I have an idea too.

Avneet: I know what your idea is!

Siddharth: No you don't! It is new this time.

Avneet: I know you will say that let us take them for a small trip also.

Siddharth: Exactly, can you read minds?

Avneet: Of course I can. Especially of yours.

Jannat: So where?

Siddharth and Avneet: Kingdom of Dreams!

Jannat: This is the nth time both of you have jinxed.

Avneet: What should I do if he thinks the same thing what I am thinking.

Riyaz: *jealousy* Leave all this. So final KOD.

Avneet: Yay!

Ashnoor: Such a child.

Siddharth: Yeah she is the cutest child.

Riyaz: Okay then see you all tomorrow.

Faisu: Yeah bye!

Siddharth: Avni let's go eat. I am starving.

Avneet: Same.

Jannat: Ask us also sometimes.

Avneet: Are you coming or not?

Faisu: Coming.

They went and ate. For some days they worked together so they decided that Jannat and Faisu to come and live with them till fresher's.

It was Friday. They were working in the auditorium. Siddharth and Avneet were instructing everyone about the décor. Riyaz came to Siddharth and called him to the washroom.

Riyaz: Siddharth did you lovely best friend told you about this?

Siddharth: What will she tell?

Riyaz: She loves me, let me show you the proof?

He showed him the chats in which she wrote

AVNEET: "I am scared of Siddharth. I am using him for popularity. If I get committed with you he will leave me. So I love you but we will meet at nights. I will come and meet you secretly."

Siddharth was shocked. He goes to Avneet.

Siddharth: Avneet who do you think you are? You can use anyone just for popularity and you don't know if he gets to know about you then you will be ruined.

Avneet: What happened Siddo?

Siddharth: It is Mr. Siddharth for you, understand?

Avneet: Yes Sir.

Siddharth left from there. She sat on her knees and Jannat was consoling her.

Faisu: How did he talk like this to my sister? I will not leave him.

Jannat: Wait first tell me what happened?

Avneet: I don't know, he is saying I am using him.

Jannat went to Riyaz as he was the one Siddharth was with before all this. Faisu also went behind her. They asked him.

Riyaz: No I did nothing, I just called him about the decorations.

They returned back to Avneet but she was nowhere to be seen.


New Twist! Why has Avneet written all of it?

Where has Avneet gone now?

Is their trust over?

Choose this: One shot or short story?

Please do tell!



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