The secret student?

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y/n's POV

I wake up as usual and hear the announcements. We have been granted access to the fifth floor We explore the floors a bit and then head to the cafeteria. We each were talking about interesting stuff we found on the fifth floor but I kept my mouth shut since I didn't really find anything to talk about. Fukawa brought out something that seemed like a knife? (idk what it was sue me)

The monitor turned on and Monokuma began talking. He seemed angry for some reason. "Yo! Turd buckets! Gym now, Cause man I am one pissed-off principal!" After he said those words the monitor turned off. We all were confused. As we headed to the gym we saw Monokuma. He was beating up It appears one of us stole his treasure. We were one short. As guessed it was kirigiri who was missing. "Uh-huh! Amnesia girl is the one! I knew it!" He said still angered. He was quick to say we were all responsible. He soon disappeared leaving us confused. "What the hell was that?" Yasuhiro said confused. "A rather bold move stealing from the principal, typical kirigiri" Togami said. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the gym towards my room.

I lay on my bed and stare at my wall which felt like more than 4 minutes. I soon drift off to sleep. I woke up to the sounds of knocking at my door. I head to my door and open it. Nobody was there. I head out of my room and walk towards the gym. I then see the others trying Monokuma?

"What's wrong with Monokuma?" I asked. "Monokuma just stopped working!" Asahina said. I was a bit worried for some reason...As we were trying to fix Monokuma Yasuhiro had found a bomb. He was shocked as he looked at the bomb. "This is not a magic 8ball guys!" He said shocked and terrified. "Interesting" Togami said. He then started saying it would get triggered by the smallest vibration which shocked everyone.

Yasuhiro started shaking a lot as he was holding the bomb. Asahina got scared as he kept on shaking. Togami proceeded to say he already deactivated it. Everyone then calmed down. Yasuhiro laughed a bit before yelling at Togami angrily. "So uh, does anybody know why Monokuma just stopped working?" Naegi asked. To be honest I didn't notice him at all.

We headed to the principal's office but it was locked. Togami Ordered Fukawa to get something to help open the door I guess? after a few seconds had gone by Fukawa came genocider syo. 

"Hiya doll! It's your friendly neighborhood serial killer!" Syo said before laughing. Togami got angry at her and yelled at her. She was confused till Naegi said that her personalitys don't keep tabs on each other. Syo said something about a first mystery being solved. "Now we can nail down that other one" She said. "What mystery would that be?" Naegi asked. As soon as Syo said the other mystery we were all shocked.

We all looked at the body and asked a bit of questions. we found out it was a girl and Togami said it was most likely kirigiri. I haven't seen her all day anyway. Syo insisted on pulling off the mask without caution which caused an explosion. We all ran to get water as the evidence was burning. As we got rid of the fire but their face seemed to have burned. Togami found something not far from the body's hand. I stare at it for a few seconds before going back to look at the body.

"wait, it doesn't go to the principal's office does it?" Naegi asked. Togami answered him before saying that we were going to leave now. We head to a different room that has been locked. Surprisingly the key opened the door. The room was full of screens that showed where the cameras were placed. great place for the mastermind. Of course, I knew. We saw a tv that was hooked up to an antenna. Yasuhiro had a plan before Monokuma walked in.

Monokuma started laughing as we all turned around "Been a while ain't it sweethearts?" He said to us. Fukawa was panicking a bit after seeing Monokuma in one piece. "Bears Hibernate!" Monokuma said. Monokuma took out a remote and told us to turn our attention to the tv. When it turned on we saw ourselves staring at the tv through the tv. Monokuma said something about being Live.

We all stare at Monokuma before Togami started to argue with Monokuma. "Are you imagining anyone going to these links?" Monokuma laughed. "I still have my secrets! But forget that now, focus on the task in hand" Monokuma said "which is what exactly?" Asahina asked Monokuma. "You found a body. The rules Haven't changed!" He told Asahina. Togami then said about them having a trial since we did in fact find a body. "Bingo!" Monokuma said. He said some more words before leaving the room. We all had to investigate the body before having a trial with no evidence. Cause then we would just be accusing each other like little kids.

The chapter has come to an end! I used most of the words from the episodes lol

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