Chappie 1)

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Okay the REAL chapters now...
I'm so sorry!! :'(
This one might be a little confusing but it will make sense after a couple of chapters okay?

Zhang Mei's P.O.V

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN TOMORROW?!" Joon and Sae shout together, MinAe shrugs,
"That's what they said, don't blame me, anyway... Get ready okay? Oh and look after MinHi this time okay? I don't want her to get hurt again." MinAe says pointing to MinHi fixing her strap, lately MinHi hasn't been concentrating on the dances and where she's walking so she hurts herself a lot, after everyone leaves to go to the practise room I stay back and help MinHi,
"MeiMei? What's wrong?" I ask sitting next to her, she looks up to me with puppy dog eyes glazed with tears,
"I-I miss them.... I miss all of them... I want to go back..." MinHi squeaked, I smile sadly,
"So you miss everyone from SM? MeiMei you can see them-"
"I know JieJie! B-But I was about to open the door to EXO's practise room the other day, I didn't here any music a-and so I leaned my ear on the door and I heard someone crying, they kept saying 'why did they have to leave?!', 'I miss them so much', 'they were like my little sisters' and 'they were so a like and they were so perfect, I miss our baby twins'...."
I couldn't say anything,
"... WHY?! I MADE THEM CRY!!" MinHi shout sobs, I lean back a little as she has never yelled before,
"It's not your fault-"
"Don't JieJie... It is my fault, I chose to move, I chose to go and I MYSELF chose to leave them... I can't forgive myself..." MinHi said as she stood up, I stood up and grabbed her wrist,
"No... Come to practise and just forget about it at least for a while okay?" She shakes her head and pulled her arm out of my grasp, she walks out of the dorm, I follow but she starts to run, I sigh and head back to the dorm to grab my bag, I pick my bag up but soon see someone's phone light up, it was MinHi's, Kai is calling, I walk over and answer it,

*Phone Call*
Mei- Hello?
Kai- Hello?
Mei- oh this is Mei MinHi Uhm is busy at the moment
Kai- what?
Mei- she had to leave, oh and I went to see Lay yesterday and I heard someone crying in your practise room who was it?
Kai- u-Uhm... Yes I was... But so was ChanYeol and TaeMin and a couple of others... Why?
Mei- Uhm... I-I heard you... Who was it about?
Kai- ......
Mei- Kai!
Kai- Her... Them... It was because of MinJi and MinHi... We miss them a lot.. Okay?! How can we NOT?!
Mei- I know... Do you know where she could be? I can't find her, she ran out crying...
Kai- WHAT?!

Before I could answer he hung up on me, I sigh and sit on a bench.

God Damn it Minnie... What have you done?! I think, I run into the SM building and into the dorm, I run into my room and look for a White and Brown teddy bear, Minnie got it for me when we were eating chicken, I grab it and run out of my room,
"YAH! KAI! WHAT THE HELL?!" ChanYeol shouts, by this time I was almost crying,
"Mi-Minnie... Can't... Find... She... Missing... Need... Go.." I stutter as I try not to cry, I run out of the dorm and up the stairs, I get to the top and open the door to the roof, I slightly smile when I see Minnie sitting there, my smile soon falls when I hear her crying, I slowly walk up to her and sit next to her,
"Minnie?... You scared me... You know that?" I say looking at the bear and fixing it's bow,
"What? How can I scare you... Oppa?" Minnie chokes out quietly, I sigh and look at her as I lean against the wall,
"When you ran out like that.. I called you but Mei answered... I miss you, you know that? I miss you a lot... Don't get me wrong I miss MinJi to but I miss you more.. All the late night and early dance practises we did, then eating chicken and making sure no one saw us, I miss that... I think Chip does to, I want you back... Back here... I miss your smile and your hugs.. Your voice and your dances.. I miss everything... I miss you..." I say crying, MinHi looks up and smiles sadly,
"Oppa I miss you sooooo much! MinJi and I have been practically crying ourselves to sleep because we miss you, TaeMin and the others so much, you know I actually have Chocolate here right?" Minnie says pulling out a dark brown bear the same as mine, I smile and pull her in for a hug, she soon starts to calm down, after a couple of minuets we both stop crying,
"You know what I miss the most?..." Minnie whispered,
"No... What?" I whispered back, she looks up and me and smiles,
"Your heartbeat..." She says cuddling into my chest more, I chuckle and pat her hair,
"I love you Minnie... You know that?"
"I love you too Kai... Were best friends right? How can I NOT know that?" Minnie asks as she giggles,
"Yeah... Your my best friend... That won't change right?"
"Nope! Not ever!" Minnie says pouting, I laugh and pinch her cheeks,
"Too cute~" someone says from the door, we look up and see TaeMin, MinJi, Ryewook, ChanYeol, Tao, Lay, Mei, EunHyuk and HyoYeon, I smile and look down at Minnie,
"I know she is.." I mumble, Minnie looks at me,
"What was that Oppa?" I shake my head,
"Nothing Minnie, let's go!" I say standing up, Minnie pouts and looks down, I see a couple of tears fall from her eyes,
"I have to leave you again?... Why?" Minnie mumbles, I pull her into a hug and pat her hair,
"I'll see you tomorrow when you have your debut okay?" She looks up at me,
"You knew about that?" She asks, I nod,
"MinJi texted TaeMin and TaeMin told me" I say winking to her, she giggled and ran to ChanYeol, she hugged him tight making him laugh, EunHyuk pouted,
"So you only miss them?" Minnie giggles and hugged EunHyuk tightly,
"I'll always miss you Oppa... Okay?" She said letting him go, he nods and ruffles her hair,
"This makes me NOT want to go... Can't I come back?" She asks looking at everyone, they all look down so she turns to me,
"You know you can always come back... But is that what you should do? Minnie we'll always be here just at least stay there for a year okay? For me? Please?" I ask as I walk towards her,
"Remember you have my number and you have Chocolate... I'll always be with you okay? I AM your best friend remember?" I say handing her Chocolate, she giggles and nods, MinJi sighed and looked down,
"You know we hate to leave you but we have to go... Your in trouble Unnie... MinAe isn't happy... I'm sorry I tried to tell her but she got scared and started crying, she called Uncle and he wants to see us... With Kai and TaeMin... I'm sorry..." MinJi mumbles playing with her fingers, TaeMin grabs her hands and smiles,
"Okay LETS GO!!" TaeMin says happily, with a hint of sadness, I smile and look down, I soon feel someone pulling my hand, I look forward and see MinHi, I smile and try to savour her touch, I'm going to miss this... You, I'll never leave you... Please don't leave me...

After we arrive at there Uncles office we enter,
"So I heard you ran away MinHi... Why?" There uncle sighed, MinHi looked down and took a deep breath,
"I miss them... I miss everyone, I'm sorry that I ran away but I needed to think and I needed the one person who knew where to find me, I'm sorry... Okay?"
"How can you do that? I thought you were better than that"
"I'm sorry I'm not as strong as JiHye or MinJi or ChaeMin okay?! I'm sorry I'm not as talented as them! I'm sorry I'm nothing like my father! I'm sorry I couldn't be what you wanted me to be! I'M SORRY I COULDN'T SAVE MY MUM AND YOUR DAUGHTER! I'M SORRY THAT I'M A DISAPPOINTMENT TO YOU! OKAY?! DO YOU NOT REALISE HOW HARD THIS IS FOR ME?! I RUIND MY SISTER'S LIFE, I RUIND YOUR LIFE, I RUIND MY DADS LIFE AND...... And I watched my mum loose her life..." MinHi shouted but at the end whispered before she ran out of the office, I looked at MinJi and TaeMin and then at MinHi's Uncle, they all had wide eyes and there mouths where open, I stood up and ran to the door before someone grabbed my wrist, I growled and turned around, it was TaeMin,
"Let her be Kai... He needs to calm down-" I pull my arm away from him,
"NO! What she needs is a friend! MinJi has you and you have always been there for her like I have always been there for MinHi! You don't realise how much she is hurting. How much she is hiding... Do you? I can see the hurt in her eyes when she looks at her Uncle. When she sees her father. When she looks at MinJi. You don't understand how much it hurts her... She thinks she needs to go through this alone... She thinks it was her fault... It wasn't she was ONLY 6 YEARS OLD! WHAT COULD SHE HAVE DONE?! None of you know her like I do.. Not even you MinJi" I said as I gave MinJi a look before leaving, I run out of the building and try to think of where she could be...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2015 ⏰

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